Chapter 6: Command The Escape (1/2)

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A day passed since the last trial. Nozomu sat in her room, under lockdown by Monokuma. A killer was on the loose... or was she? Nozomu couldn't ever think Kirade could kill... to think of why was beyond her... Monokuma so She wasn't the Mastermind.... She escaped her death sentence... Nozomu wondered if she got caught. Why hadn't Monokuma gassed the vents?. Nozomu pondered. She theorized that the vents were connected, impossible to gas without killing everyone. Thinking clearly. Maybe Monokuma has traps set to catch Kirade. Which is why he's put everyone on lockdown. He's counting on those to end the manhunt... though... it still was odd how quick the trial went. How fast everyone was blaming Kirade. How odd that message was.... Nozomu was just very... confused..... and Very... Well... She was sad... her childhood friend... Betrayed them.... Nozomu tried to fight it but... the bear confirmed it... Nozomu thought for a second. Why was it easier to conclude it was Kirade? If it wasn't, why weren't they all dead? Did Monokuma lie to them? So many questions, Nozomu didn't even notice the note forming from the ceiling. Nozomu noticed the note and got curious so she tried getting up. But she soon realized she was being recorded. Her mind was thinking if this was important, then she shouldn't let the cameras see it. She had a smart idea. She picked up her blanket and jumped on her bed, acting like a child infront of the camera. She specifically was acting she threw the blanket a few times to make it seem legit. Her mind was racing with every possible theiry of how this coukd go but she knew going back now was impossible, her curiosity was too high to go against now. In a swift fast motion, Nozomu the the blanket and jumped at the same time. She threw the blanket in a way so the blanket would block her actions from the camera while not actually blocking the camera, by technicality, she was safe from rulebreaking haters like Monokuma. As soon as she was fully covered, she was able to grab the note and fell down back to the bed... Though that didn't go to plan as she bounced off the bed and fell to the ground, yelping and whincing in pain as it was a painful fall. Nozomu just layed there curled up for a second.

Once she felt the pain numb she sat up and climbed back up on her bed, pulling the cpvers over her and reading the note.

Once she felt the pain numb she sat up and climbed back up on her bed, pulling the cpvers over her and reading the note

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Nozomu was confused. There was no way to figure out who the note was from. And why at the Sauna? Why so late? And how? Monokuma wasn't letting them leave their rooms. Nozomu thought for a second. Well if this was important than maybe she'd have to sneak. She sighed and looked at the clock. Thinking about all the things she has seen so far. Getting drugged, Getting backstabbed by someone who actually had good intentions. Having someone who actually had simular familial issues and connections to her cousin die in her arms. Seeing a Backstabber get backstabbed in a violent way to die possible.... Her friend... Getting executed and surviving. All of it all  What's overwhelming Toure as she stressed now realised everything that she's gone through she now knows what horrors her parents were telling her about the tragedy. Nozomu  Now knew why are parents  Or holding back on some of the details.  Reading about their games was just.... It wasn't like living through it you can't tell somebody social state from it... Nozomu was deeply in thought with the School. She suddenly  Realise that she had lost track of time in it was about a couple of months before the meet up time. Nozomu jolted up in open tour door quietly exiting her room in quietly trying to get to the sauna so she wasn't late. Her panic was very apparent as the appearance on her face  showed her panic. Nozomu  Soon got to the sauna. Her panic made her actually a little bit early ironically. In a little exaustion from the panic, she decided to take a seat on one of the seats from the lockers.  Waiting to see what would come. As she weighed and looked around she noticed that event started to open up. Nozomu yelped in fright as the Vent cover was off and a rope fell from it. Nozomu was now shocked as she recognized that rope. The rope that disappeared after the trial, the one that had been used to desend to the trial room. Nozomu stared at the make shift rope in confusion until somebody decided to descend from the rope. That somebody was immediately recognised as Kirade to Nozomu's shock and honest delight.

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