FedEx- Professional

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Fedex Fedex Fedex Fedex Cmon say it with me!

T/W ; again, some PG 13 stuff.......and clueless Jensi and Dex

Ok I'll not keep you longer y'all can read about my babies in this au.


Dex was a professional.

By no means, did Dex feel he was certainly the best on a fickle field that was always growing and shifting. And even though some people would definitely deny the fact people need skills to excel in his job and tell him in a condescending voice "You're just clicking buttons! I bet you even enjoy all that eye candy you get! Perverts, all of you", Dex would love to snap and beg to differ while scowling at their ignorance.

But Dex was a professional, and that meant accepting these comments with a demure smile while wishing he could punch them in their messed up brains. 

After all, being one of the most coveted photographers in the world was not an easy task without that trait.

He had to stare at models left and right, posing and preening, occasionally snapping shots with his camera in some proactive poses.

Of course, it was a huge plus that Dex was gay.

Though that fact did nothing to curb Dex's nerves as he smoothed down his shirt and fiddled with his camera lens for the tenth time today.

After all, today was one of his special shoots, with a mix of both girls and boys for one of the upcoming fundraisers for some rich society.

It didn't help that he would be under scrutiny from one of the best fashion designers in the country, Forkle Gabriel Agreste, head of Black Swan, one of the most elite model companies in the entire world, who could also potentially make or break his career.

Dex took a deep breath and plastered a smile on his face as he asked his partner Jensi to let them in.

Dex was a professional. 

And nothing would go wrong.


Dex Dizznee would claim he was a professional, he really would, but that claim was slowly slipping through his fingers.

Cause as soon as he reads the schedule Jensi noted down for him, all his thoughts turn into internal panic alarms and all he knew was that he was in deep trouble.

Because of all the models he could have been working with, they had to put the one and only one who could turn Dex's thoughts into sludge.

But professionalism had not prepared him for situations where you had to go to your longtime crush and photograph him in proactive positions with a huge crowd of models and the fudging hopefully next CEO of his company looking on.

He felt blood rush up to his cheeks and he parted his lips slightly in an 'O' as he came face to face to with the mini troupe of models that Mr. Forkle had brought with him (though he would have been lying if he would have said he wasn't focusing on one face in particular.)

He shouldn't have been surprised, considering the Black Swan was an elite company, and that Fitz Vacker was one of the most suitable. He was practically a celebrity. 

He's charming, famous, pansexual, single, and so gorgeous that Dex was head over heels in love with him.

Maybe it was just a dream, but then when he realises Fitz Vacker was walking towards him with a bold smile and an arm outstretched with a (literally) award winning smile, sudden reality hit Dex Dizznee like a truck.  

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