Kam ; love bites

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A/N ; Hehehe some PG 13 language so cover them baby ears;D 

T/W: Blood. Alcohol. Frat boys. 


Tam hated his half life.

Being one of the lowest ranking vampires in their stupid hierarchy and thus having to rely on for food on one of the worst targets ever, also known as heavily drunk teenagers at frat parties and curbs, who most of the time have alcohol or some weird drug running havoc through their circulatory system?

Whoo hoo. Life was a bloody dream.

Of course it couldn't have ended when some sicko bit him in the neck when he was seventeen, right? He just had to wake up and instantly be looked down upon because his wonderful "life giver" had denied to give him a clan. And then of course, he had to pushed into a tiny apartment for the rest of eternity along with another roommate (Not that Tam was complaining about Linh, which was one of the only things that seemed to go better for him in this new life).

He sighed as he looked down at the crumbled smily sticky note in his hands.

12 Shores of Solace street, Elven Hastings  Avenue. Feel free to drink the blood of the owner! Seems like a messed up guy anyway, with their father being one of the ultra drug firm owners.  Have fun! 

A house with a faded banner with ear-achingly loud pop music (twenty one pilots and my chemical romance?) stood out from the other black and white houses on the block.

Tam massaged his forehead. This was going to be one hell of a night.


Keefe Sencen stirred his mimosa dejectedly.

Despite that it was his party, at his house, for his 18th birthday, he was bored out of his mind.

Or maybe bored wasn't the word, it was.....

.....the fact he was lonely.

All of his friends had soulmates, special others, partners in crime (blah blah blah). It was only him, the one with the best hair and biggest submarine , who still was the only one who was the withstanding bachelor.

If only someone who was as brooding, mysterious, and maybe half as handsome as him - because let's face it, there's no way there was anyone as handsome as him in all of hell ( the only place for all the gays and his friends, like his dad and mum regularly told him)..........

..........like that so hot it was not from this world  silver tipped hair guy who was now self inviting himself into his home.


Keefe weaved himself through the hot mess of limbs and mouths (most belonging to one of his best friends who was also a gay, coincidentally) and sidled up to the distinctly frowning boy.

"You know bangs boy, if you really wanted to come to this side show, you could have just asked me for my number way earlier."

Tam looked up and down the slightly drunk (and also slightly- ok hugely attractive) boy and gritted his teeth in annoyance to prevent his fangs from coming out from the delicious smells emanating from him (despite the fact that he had probably already drunk some unflattering things).

"Could you please direct me to um.... Mr. Sencen?"

Keefe laughed bitterly.

"If you really wanted a piece of this meat, you'll have to do much better than being a formal disshead, for I'm unfortunately not my father." Keefe replied, as he vaguely gestured to his body (though stopping at one main place).

Tam sputtered out a few incoherent words as he felt his cheeks go blood red (why was he blushing ?? Vampires didn't blush, especially infront of hellishly pretty frat boys they need to feed on with oh so gorgeous ice blue-)

 "I um.....need to you to come with me some where....just you.....alone..."

Keefe eyed him with a smirk on his face.

"You know Bangs Boy, for someone who just turned 18, I would appreciate it if the official v card stamping nonsense happened at my house, preferably after a few weeks of getting to know each other."

Tam physically wished that the earth would crack and some hellhounds would swallow him as his face turned a shade of red he wouldn't have assumed was possible.

"That's not what I meant ! Ugh, for someone I have to kill you are annoyingly flirty-"

"Kill? I'm sorry, but I would prefer it if necrophilia didn't happen. I am after all, too hot to die soon." He replied, throwing a casual smile in his direction that unfortunately did nothing to help settle the bats in Tam's belly.

"And besides, those fangs you wear- totally fake my dude.If you're going to kill me, at least go to jail in a cool outfit- though I doubt that my father would pay to have you out in a day just for getting rid of his gay son who belongs in hell."

Tam ran his hair through his bangs as he huffed in annoyance. 

"That's not true."

"You're right. It would be less than a hour-"

"The fact that you think that my fangs are fake."Tam deadpanned.

Keefe stared at him with his eyebrows raised for a few seconds, then burst out full on laughing, clutching at Tam's arm (also causing more blood to rush to the vampire's cheeks coincidentally).

"Why are you... laughing?"

"You know for a faker, you think you're pretty intimidating." Keefe wheezed.

Tam drew himself up to his full height (which was not a lot, considering vampires never grew).

"I am intimidating"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, or should I say.......... hunt?"

With surprising strength, Tam suddenly pushed Keefe and pinned him onto the wall. He curled his fingers around those soft locks of hair and pushed his head slowly (but gently, he couldn't hurt this man who already didn't have much of other things to look forward too) and exposed his neck.

He could feel the blood coursing through the veins and could hear it almost calling out to him, just hidden by the supple, pale skin. So delectable.

Keefe gasped as Tam leant into the groove of his neck and blew on it, leaving goosebumps to ripple on the skin on the aftermath.

"You really want to know what a legitimate vampire looks like ?"

Keefe gasped out with a sense of urgency and fear in it like Tam had never heard before.

"I believe you."

"Good" Tam smiled, as he swooped in.....

...before nipping gently and leaving an almost sweet kiss on his jugular vein. Cool lips brushing against heated skin. Ice against fire. A vampire against an extremely good looking human.


Tam smiled as he swooped away from that house at almost 5 in the morning.

He would have to badger Linh for scraps, but he knew she wouldn't care less about that as long as he told her all the details as how he got that torn out page entailing a certain boy's number along with an address of a nearby coffee shop.





╰───────────────。˚ ✧

A/N ; Tam would be the softest vampire ever UwU but when threatened would be a Stabby sight.

(cue Keefe swooning)


OK but this was generally super fun to write and I'm proud of it.

⇢ ˗ˏˋ lullcbies;) ˎˊ

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