Linhella - Mariage d'amour

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Pure **self indulgence** here but what else can a girl do? (also Maruca appreciation!!!!)

T/W : maybe a bit of adult language? Oh and


Also please ignore any inaccuracies with the piano theory as I have never touched one in my life. Sorry (T_T)


Linh had always loved to play the piano.

The way her hands would tenderly glide over the smooth keys as the notes fluttered in the air, letting the symphony flow a few times before it would dissipate in the air, flowing over her like beams in the sunlight, carressing her ears and whispering soft lullabies that everything was alright.

But with all the sweet notes, brutal lashings would come snipping back, letting the pale, drawn out scars on her nimble fingers shiver as she relieved the lashings from the slender stick that her father would use when it wobbled on her knuckles or lay discarded on the floor as she played a jaunty tune.

Of course, that would never be a problem again, now that they'd thrown both Linh and Tam out of their house for good after they both revealed they were queer......

She shook her head, letting the foggy thoughts blow away as she moved back from the dusty clavier in the attic towards the living room of the cramped house where the Black Swan were temporarily hiding out.

"So....who will I be working with?"

Mr. Forkle vaguely shifted his hand in the direction of the people of the couch.

"Tam, and Dex from behind the scenes, Maruca can help with the force fields, and our resident pyrokinetic, Marella of course."

Linh stiffened as she suddenly felt a pair of rough hands clasp her on the shoulders as she resisted the urge to pull out an eyelash or conjure up a bunch of water animals. Her breathing quickened slightly as her heart raced ahead, letting her barely focus on the rebuke that was shouted from the confident girl who also happened to be her long time crush.

".....Aren't you pleased, Linh?"

She blinked rapidly as she turned around to face the short girl who was now puffing small fireballs and smiled happily.

"O-of C-Course Marella!"

Marella searched her face with a frown, before directing a smug grin towards the head who was now rolling his eyes expaseratedly.

"I told you. Now, should we get this briefing started or are we going to just chitchat?"


"No hinderances tomorrow, understood? Well then, best get some sleep before the coup-out. Oh, and one last thing - make sure you all revise your french and make sure it's up to standards. I don't want any humans thinking that we aren't from that city."

A few murmurs were heard in response as most of the adults and other members cleared out of the room, leaving an irritated pair of young recruits with a few practice sheets of french verbs.

Marella quickly spread out each in a haphazard chronological order before she lay back on the faded couch besides a grumbling Maruca who was stuttering through a few action verbs.

"Je me suis pas aime.....No wait...Aargh! Such a stupid language. Couldn't they have just hired a bunch of polyglots like the Moonlark?"

Marella did her best impression at a high pitched version of Sophie as Maruca laid back and giggled.

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