I'm still in love with you idiot 2 • Mark Lee

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I run into my house tears streaming down my face as I slam my body against my front door and throwing the letter across the room. I curl up into a ball as all the memories come rushing to my head.

"No" I scream hitting my head "I don't want this no"

*flash back*

"Y/n?" Mark says walking in my house seeing me on the couch "lovey hi" he smiles at me and sits down a bag in his hand

"Mark i missed you" I kiss him and lay down in his lap while he plays with my hair

"I have to fly back in a few hours" he says cold

"What?" I ask sitting up facing him "why?"

He looks down at the ground "I think we should break up" he blurts out

"What" I stand up "no I don't want that" I feel tears forming but I refuse to let them fall

"I don't want it either but I can't keep doing this to you" mark looks up at me tears streaming down his face "im a mess y/n I can't keep hurting you the way I have. I- I need to go" he stands up and walks to my front door "I'm sorry" he says turning the knob leaving

I get up and chase him down the street "mark" I sob

He turns "stop, we're over go home"

"No were not! So what you're a mess so am I we can work through this" I say catching my breath

"No, y/n I have no feelings for you- just- leave god" he says looking me in the eyes and running away.

I stand still

Heart shattered.

It sucks when you give your all to someone and they don't want you.

My knees give out and I fall onto the concrete

I stay there

Till my tears dry up and I can barely see.


It took me too long to get over him he's not gonna walk back into my life just because he's bored.

I take the note and throw it in the trash and head to my bathroom where I look myself in the mirror.

"Maybe the note was an apology?" I ask myself

"Or maybe he just wants a good hump & dump"

"No marks not like that he'd never use someone"

I continue arguing with myself till I eventually give in and read it.

"Dear Y/n,
It's been awhile huh,
I'm heading to town in a few days and
Was thinking maybe we
Could catch up! I know
I left things here, and never told
You why I ended it. So how
About we get lunch or dinner?
We can talk it out.
I know I'm a few months late
But please consider it.
The guys and I will be in town for a little over 3 weeks and I'd like to see you. At least once.

P.s if it would make you feel
More comfortable Taeil Can come along.

- Love, Mark"

He wants to meet...

I'm not ready to see him. No.

I pull out my phone to text Haechan,
I haven't texted him since mark left. He's texted me but I never answered.

"Hey Channie It's y/n,
how have you been sorry
for ghosting you"
I text him

"Hey omg"
he responds almost instantly
"thx for leaving me on read whore"
I can almost see
Him rolling his eyes at me...

"Sorry about that... hehe...
so are you guys heading
into town?" I ask

"Can i call you?" He asks

The thing with Haechan is he likes to call when he doesn't feel like typing a lot out which means I'm gonna get an earful

My phone rings a few times and I walk into my bathroom where I sit in the tub ready for the tea

"LISTEN HERE YOU BITCH ASS SKANK! I CALLED YOU 25 TIMES AND TEXTED YOU MULTIPLE TIMES AND YOU DIDNT HAVE THE AUDACITY TO 1. TEXT ME BACK 2. CALL ME BACK 3. Check up on your "best friend" you're an asshole you know that!" He screams into my phone making me turn my volume down as he continues to insult me.

"I get it, I'm a bitch" I say interrupting his rant "I miss you okay. I'm sorry" I say hoping he'll accept it

"If you're sorry then open your bathroom door" he says laughing

"What?" I say confused and set my phone down in the tub and get up to open my bathroom door to emptiness "HAECHAN!" I scream realizing what he was doing

I pick my phone up and put it to me ear to hear him laughing "is it really that important?" He asks once his laughing fit is done

"Yes" I roll my eyes

"Okay well yes we're currently on tour you called me at the right time cause no one is at the hotel so it's just you and me" I can see him wink at me in my mind

"Oh my- anyway are you guys stopping in town?" I ask

"Of course! I planned on coming to see you since we have 3 off days and will be in your area the whole time" he says making me smile

"Great we can have a movie night" I laugh


I feel my eyes roll "then what were you thinking" I ask annoyed

"Well get dinner and sleepover duhhh" he says annoyed back at me

"Fine" I say

"Plus Mark hyung would get pissed if I spent the whole day with you" he says then hangs up out of nowhere.

"What?" I say into the phone before I realized he hung up "he's such a little shit!" I hit my head against my Tub curled up in a ball

My phone buzzes so I look down to see donghyuk texting

"Sorry Mark and
Doyoung showed up"
He texts

"Oh it's fine thanks"
I text back

"So do you still
Have feelings for him?
I know it's not my place
But I am your bestie I
Should know these
He types

"I'm not sure. He
Sent me a box with a letter
He wants to meet up I'm
Not sure what to do"
I text

He's changed a bit since you
Last saw him. And he still is
I said this or I'll kill you!"
Haechan texts

"I won't Lee I promise"
I send

"You're still his password
And home screen"
He texts.

I stare at my phone.

He's still mine too.

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