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"Seriously," said Silver, "what possessed you to wake a whole horde of Zubat. Are you looking to get poisoned?"

Crystal scratched the back of her neck. "I uh, didn't...uh."

"Okay then," he replied, rolling his eyes, "I see how it is."

"Nice going," Red remarked.

Crystal tried not to glare at the elder trainer. "Well, since you're going to Azalea Town we might as well go together."

"I'd rather die," Silver replied.

She rolled her eyes. "Rather emo here, aren't we."

All of a sudden Red started to snicker. Crystal glanced over at the trainer and then realized what he was laughing at. The rain that she smelled in the cave was from the rain that was about to start pouring. Silver scrunched up his nose at her, and she noticed a drop of water hit her hand. A smirk blossomed across her features. She decided to start walking.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Silver shouted.

She turned around. "Why are you still standing there?"

"Well—I, uh—I refuse to walk with you!" Silver said.

Crystal snorted and then waved. "Well suit yourself. Enjoy the rain. Toodeloo."

"Rain? Wait, what?" Silver asked, before running to catch up with her.

"Well, well," Crystal said, "look who decided to join me."

The other trainer scowled. "Shut up."

"Incoming," Red laughed.

It was in that moment that the heavens opened up. Instead of the irregular staccato beats of rain that had fallen against the land before, a sliding symphony of cold, wet liquid began to wet the grass. Crystal picked up Nuria from the mud, trying to shield the gentle fire type from the water. She offered to place Nuria back in her Pokéball, but the fire type refused. Instant warmth blossomed across Crystal's chest as the fire type let off heat, and she smiled, thankful for Nuria's help.

"You should let out your Totodile, it'll enjoy this weather," Crystal remarked.

Silver gave her a glance as he put his hand on his belt. "And what makes you think that a low-rate, unmotivated rookie like you has the right to give me any Pokémon advice?"

"I was just making a suggestion. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings," Crystal said.

The trainer huffed. "Sorry."

He took Totodile off his belt and released the creature. It cried out in happiness, waddling through rain puddles with a splash. She looked over at Silver who was shivering from the harsh rains. Crystal felt bad. She figured he was probably really cold.

"If it's ok with Nuria, you want to hold her? She can help warm you up," said Crystal.

Silver's teeth chattered. "No, I'm fine."

"Daquil! Cynda!" Nuria chirped, staring at Silver.

Red interpreted, "She says she'll fire an ember at him if he continues to be a jerk."

"Nuria," Crystal chided. "You know better than that."

Nuria looked up at her trainer. "Cyn..."

The Cyndaquil leapt out of her trainer's arms and towards the red-head. Crystal watched as Silver struggled to catch the heavy Pokémon and smiled at the relief that spread over his features as he hugged her close. He stopped shivering and nodded at Crystal.

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