Chapter One

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A/N— I hope you really enjoy this story! I apologize if it starts out slow in the beginning, I'll try to make it pick up! If you haven't read the description already, I suggest you do. This is a story based off of A3! Act Addict Actors. There are spoilers for the game in the story since this is a fan fiction. The story follows four main OC characters, one in each troupe. Adaya Ispek is the first character, a girl who gets roped into joining the Spring Troupe. Every three chapters, there will be a star next to the chapter number, and this signals a perspective change between the other three characters for one chapter to introduce them a bit. If you don't quite understand that, you'll get it when it happens! Again, thank you for reading, and we'll be starting off with Adaya Ispek. I should post once or twice a week.

Adaya Ispek's Perspective

Brilliant strokes of red and orange, fading into a golden yellow when meeting the horizon. Waves of grey hitting the shore while pulling specks of sand towards the murky water. Not a single cloud in the sky to darken the atmosphere, only the vibrant bright colors of the sunset being brought to life.

I stared at the piece I'd just painted, disatisfied by my work. I let out a deep sigh in frustration, and I could only wonder why the painting had still felt so flat and bland. I had spent most of the week trying to perfect the canvas, but I could never quite give it enough volume to feel satisfaction.

"Adaya, you've been working on that painting for the whole week," one of my friends snapped me out of my unfocused trance. "It looks incredible the way it is, aren't you going to ask the teacher to put it up?"

"It's not finished," I shook my head, sighing. I felt sullen, as if it'd never be finished. "There's something still bothering me about it..."

"It's not finished?" he asked, frowning at me. "It sure looks finished to me. Just look at it!"

"I am," I told him. I had no clue what I had been missing. I put in time and energy, but it wasn't enough. There was something off about the painting. "I just need a little more time. I'm sure I'll figure out what I did wrong."

"If you're sure," he sighed. "Class is over though, and if you stay in the art classroom any longer, I'm sure you'll get yelled at by our teacher. You should pack up for today."

"Right," I agreed, setting my canvas on a rack to dry for the day. I cleaned out my paint set, then put it aside. Running off with my bag slung over my shoulder, I tried to catch up with my friend who'd been leaving Ouka High School for the day. I wasn't able to find him, so I began walking home alone.

I noticed some red paint stuck under my fingernails. I cursed myself quietly for not having washed off my hands before going home. By the time I got home, the paint would dry, and it would be hard to wash off.

The street of Veludo Way was fairly crowded that day. People made their way along the sidewalks, taking walks to bask in the spring sun. I walked by newly-bloomed cherry trees. The small pink flowers only lived for one or two weeks, so I liked to look at them while they were still there.

Veludo Way was known as a theater street, since many play troupes were stationed there. I always wanted to visit one, but their plays all seemed to be extremely expensive, and I was a little hesitant to spend so much money on them. Some were a little cheaper, but I always was a bit skeptical about their quality.

Someone bumped into me. I turned around to see a pink haired boy about my age, dizzy, and spinning in circles. I chuckled at his childishness.

"S-Sorry!" he apologized once he regained his focus. "I was all dizzy..."

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