Chapter Twelve ★

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I'm so sorry for the super slow posting schedule! School has started up again, and my motivation's been pretty low. I won't give up on this story though! Thank you for being patient!

Also, the picture above is of Kara drawn by CoriOleander with her finger on IbisPaint X! It's an image, supposedly a picture taken from her fifth grade year-- though of course, I won't say anything else about this picture just yet ;)

Karasi Vehility

I placed my head against my desk, awaiting the teacher's instructions for the day. She'd announced the day before that we'd be doing pair projects, it was only a matter of time before I'd discover who my partner was.

When the teacher displayed the names on the board, I didn't have to look up to know who I'd be paired up with. I just had to listen to the other students.

"I'm so sorry you have to be in a group with her," one of the kids whispered to another. They didn't know I was within earshot.


I looked at the kid who the first had been talking to. I immediately knew by her distraught look that we were partners.

After all, kids weren't good at hiding their disdain towards me.

She came over to me cautiously as the teacher left the room, then put some of the papers for our project down on my desk.

"Uh..." she started, looking for the right words to say. I didn't remember her name, though I did remember her color.

Forest green.

"If you're so disappointed in being my partner for this," I began bluntly, scribbling down my name on the paper. "Then I'll do it myself."

She didn't say another word, then walked off to go talk to some of her friends, who were also slacking off.

Since I didn't know her name, I looked up at the board, then wrote it down next to my name.

...I would've hoped that you'd at least try to convince me otherwise from doing the entire project... Whatever. It's my fault for not implying it better anyway.

I checked my phone as I left the school for the day. I had a barrage of texts unread on my phone from Azami.



'Are you not out of school yet? I thought your school ended the same time as mine'

'Whatever— want to get ramen? I heard they have a new ramen shop nearby with beauty ramen'

'I'm going to take your silence as a yes'

'I'm waiting at the park'

I stared down at my phone for a moment before texting back.

'Bruh what the hell is beauty ramen????'

I waited for a reply, since he'd only texted me about five minutes beforehand.

I continued waiting.

And waiting.

It'd been fifteen minutes with no reply. That worried me, so I rushed off to the park as quickly as I could. Azami usually answered his texts pretty quickly so I'd assumed the worst had happened.

The park was completely barren. There was no one there, not even the kitten that usually hung out below the park benches.

I turned around when I heard some yelling from nearby— I looked side to side, to see if anyone else had heard it.

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