Chapter 6

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The owner of the property ask Sei why he is standing in front of the small apartment door, when Sei heard that someone is talking to him. He goes towards the woman who ask him a question.

He ignored the question and ask the woman about Yuko, but what he heard about it got him shocked. It turns out Yuko no longer live the small apartment, she was already move out for almost 3 months ago.

And when Sei ask the owner of she knows where Yuko is, the owner told him that she didn't know but she told Sei that Yuko was already planning to moved out of the apartment after she graduate from high school and she didn't tell the owner where she was going.

After Sei heard what the owner had said, he felt that his chance of happiness is gone. So he thanked the owner but before he could walk away, the owner ask him why he wants to look Yuko.

Sei just told the owner that he wanted to say something important to her and then he left without waiting for the owner talk. After he reach inside his car, he just sear there without drove away.

It seems that he was to late to ask her forgiveness and to ask her for a second chance. He miss his chance when he feels a bit off in this last few months ago but he still ignore it.

And when he couldn't ignore it anymore and start to take action, only to find out that she longer where she live and the owner of the building doesn't know where she is.

He thought that maybe this is the punishment he got when he hurt her after she had help him in his darkest day when he couldn't see.

Should he gave up but then again he doesnt want to give up because she was the only happiness, the only one that could fill his dark world into a colourful life.

Before he drove away, he called his assistant and told him to get information about Yuko's friend and he wanted that information on his desk the first thing in the morning. He thought that maybe her friends would know where he is.

Since it was already late afternoon, Sei called his friend to hang out at the usual place. And Sei was the one who arrived first since his the nearest. He walk in and the waitress greet him.

Since he is a regular vip customer, the waitress show him the vip room where Sei used when he comes at the Deluxe Pub. After the waitress had lead him inside the vip room.

She goes out to bring Sei's usual drinks. Just half an hour after that, Sei's friend arrived at the room and seat. It seem that Sei wasnt in a good mood today thats why he called his friends to hang out.

Sei doesn't have that much friend, only a few and by few means he only had 4 friend. the closes one to him is his best friend since middle school. His name is Kyoshi while 3 of his other friend is Gen,Sheng and Yue.

The first one that breaks the silence inside the vip room is Kyoshi, he ask Sei what was going on with him that got him bad mood to day. Sei didnt answer it right away, but he answer it after a minute.

He told his friend that he had made the worse act to someone whom he realise that is the most precious to him.

His friend were shocked not because of what he said but because he share his problem to them. Never in their entirely friendship would Sei share anything personal with them and now he just did and it was more that his personal problem but someone whom he held dear to.

Their friend didnt talk anything after Sei told them, it was as if they were waiting for Sei to continue to talk about what he wanted to told them. And it did, Sei told them about Yuko. How she was the one who took care of him.

How she teach him about life, how she made him feels like he also deserve to have hapiness in his life and learn to let go of the past the turn towards the bright future he have. But all of that crumbles down when he was cruel to her.

And when he realise that he made the mistake and try to seek for forgiveness, to start again. He was already too late because she had left, he just hope that his secretary find some information about her friend so he could ask them where Yuko is.

Sei's friend were shocked for the second time because the way Sei told them about the girl that took care of him, they think that Sei fell in love with her but doesnt know how to express his feelings. Maybe thats why he was cruel to her, they thought.

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