Chapter 9

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The butler told Sei that he was worried about him, since a few months back he noticed about it. Sei wasn't actually surprise about it, since Sei was little. The butler and also few of the maid have already started working there. Taking care of him since his father rarely going back home and his mother already left him behind.

This is another thing that Sei should do. He realise that the butler and other maid that knew him since he was little. Care deeply about him, the butler stay up late wasn't because of his duty to take care of him as the young master but he also care about him.

He never thought about this before, all this time he just thought that it was their job to take care of him and provide anything that he needs in the villa since they work also been paid. He always gave them a cold shoulder, treating them like slave.

Always throwing tantrum when ever he feels annoyed about something or when ever his felt like what he wanted could be done perfectly by the butler or the maid.

He forgot that no matter what the differences is, whether being among the rich or poor, or being in a high status or low. They are still the same no matter what, because they are human.

He regrets treating them badly but now, things are going to be different. He wanted to leave the bad side of him behind and moving forward with the new side of him.

Sei told the butler that he didn't need to wait for him, because this late of night is already pass time of his work. He doesn't have to worry because his already a grown man and he knew what to do.

That suprised the butler, in all his life serving to this family especially the young master, he never heard any care of the young master toward him. Now he is curious  what happen to the young master until he spoke gently to him.

When Sei noticed that the butler doesn't respon anything, he look at the butler. When the butler felt the young master gaze towards him, he snap back. Sei ask the butler if there is something else that he wanted to talk about and the butler say that there is nothing else and then he bow his head a little and said good night to him.

Sei nodded and also said good night to the butler then  walk towards the stair to the second floor and to his room. The butler keep his eyes towards Sei until his figure was out of sight. He didn't now why Sei suddenly changes so much in just one day.

The butler return to his dorm for the day, and rest.

After Sei already reach to his room, he turn on the light and take off his clothes to have s shower. All this time, he kept thinking and keep memorize what word  that he wanted to say to Yuko. He just hope that tomorrow he could get any information related Yuko from her best friend.

He already predited what happen if Yuko best friend see him when he ask about her but he is determined to ask about Yuko. He really need to see Yuko again, he couldn't help but miss her so much.

After he took a shower and is about to fall asleep, he took his phone and search trougg the gallery and find a picture that was took before his eyes operation. That time he couldn't see but now he see the picture. Both Yuko and him was at the yard.

She was taking selfie with him, at that time he didn't felt like taking a selfie with her, but Yuko told him that every selfie have its own memory. One day when he is  able to see again, he would see this picture at his phone.

Now he really did see, before he did see their selfie inside the gallery of his phone. He was about to delete it all but decide to keep it. And he is glad that he didn't delete it.

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