Chapter 25 END

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Sei look at Yuko with sadness in his eyes, but Yuko ignore the sad that Sei show through his eyes.
"I wanna see you, that's why I'm here."
"I'm sorry." Sei said. He look straight into her eyes.

Yuko shocked but she didn't show it in her face, she just ask Sei what were the reason for his apologies. In the past, she only knew little about Sei. But from what she knew him, he was never the person to apologise to anyone even though things sometimes is his fault.

Sei is a self proud person, he will never apologise but right now he said sorry to her.
"I'm sorry because i hurt you, i'm sorry because i didn't care about your feelings at that time. I'm sorry because I'm a jerk, selfish, cold person. I know that it is already too late to apologise but i still wanna do it because i can't stop the feel of guilty for treating you back than"

So he came here to apologise because he felt guilty, Yuko thought. Even though she hate him but there is also something deep in her heart that she buried not to long ago. Love... Yes, she still love him. But seeing him apologise just because he felt guilty towards her, makes her feel disappointed. She finally begin to accept that Sei never going to like her.. Love her? Far from it.

You apologise because you feel guilty towards me? So now you already apologise, why don't you just go then. Must felt great right? Once you say apologise, there is no longer guilt that you feel. " The more Yuko talk, the more hard she talk about it. She couldn't help but feel even more angry towards Sei.

Sei confused, why did his apology makes Yuko more angry. Did he say something wrong.
" No, your got it all wrong. I apologise not just because i feel guilty. It's also because i miss you."
Yuko who held back her tears, froze.
"What did you say?" she ask again, she thought that maybe she heard it wrong..

"I've miss you Yuko." Sei look at her lovingly, then he continue to talk.
"For the past few months after the last time that we meet, i feel like I'm not myself. I thought that maybe because i can finally see again after so long looking only the darkness. But that's not the case, after a few months i begin to reminisce about us. How you taking care of me, how you didn't complain to the butler because I'm being a jerk to you. How you laugh and talk to me about life. I realise that I'm an idiot for letting you go and most of all hurting you."

Yuko didn't know what to reply, she couldn't help but cry. She didn't want to make a sound, so she just cover her mouth with both hands and her head almost touch the table because she bow her head a bit lower while crying.

Sei couldn't help but move and seat beside her, he calms her down by holding her while caress her back. Yuko just let Sei do, because right now she doesn't have to hold herself back. She tried really hard to be tough not to fall for any kind of explanation that Sei did but she can't. She refuse to give in..

With her trembling voice, Yuko said
"You hurt me Sei. You don't know how i felt back then, i thought that you change to be a better person but i guess wrong. When you saw me, there is no smile for me. I thought that maybe because you were speechless because your able to see again, and you also keep distancing yourself to me. I didn't suspect anything until the day that i ask to meet you and confess but not only you rejected me, you also said something that had made me completely shattered."
" I'm so sorry Yuko, please forgive me."
But Yuko kept talking, she said
" Why... Why did you made me feel like I'm not a worthy person? Does the level of what society we are matters to you until you said that?"
Sei didnt want Yuko to continue, so he hug her tight and spoke soft in her ear. He felt really sad seeing Yuko crying none stop and talk about what happen, he really didn't want her to remember all that but he also the reason why Yuko remember what he did.

"Please forgive me Yuko, don't cry. I know what i did can't be undone, but please give me the chances to make it up to you. I'm not doing the because i felt guilty but I'm doing this so i can have a second chance to be with you."

Yuko didn't say anything, she just kept her eyes close while she cry. Sei held her chin and make Yuko look him, he told her to open her eyes and Yuko did.
"Can you forgive me and give me a second chances Yuko?"
Sei really hope that Yuko would say she forgave him and she will give him a second chance.

Yuko look into Sei's eyes, she wanted to see if what Sei say is real. She still didn't believe him until she saw something in his eyes. There is no deception or guilt in his eyes, there is only love and yearning. Yuko confused. She didn't pay attention about what had Sei said but now she remembere what Sei had said just a minute ago. He had ask her to forgive and hive him a second chances. Second chances on what? She thought.

Yuko didn't realise that what she thought came straight in to her talking by herself, Sei heard it and he just explain to her that he want to have a second chance to be with her, to fall in love. Yuko look at Sei, what will her decision be.....


Sei couldn't never been so happy until the day he married Yuko. Few years had already pass by, Sei is happy with Yuko, there is so many obstacles but they both stand strong and made it through all. Back then, he almost shed a tear because the moment he was waiting for Yuko's respond. She didn't give any answer, Sei almost felt like his giving up but then Yuko hug him. She said yes to forgave him and willing to give him a second chances. Sei felt grateful for what had Yuko said back then.

They both spend time together until dawn, Sei didn't want to be separate with Yuko but she needed to go back to her dorm. She had promised him that she will meet him after finish her class and she did. Sei had bring her to a nice restaurant, there he gave her the necklaces. Yuko love it and ask Sei to help her put it on. They had talk with so many things until the last day Sei in Y city. He didn't really want to leave, but he knew that he had to since he has so many work to do at his company.

Yuko understand that, even though she didn't want to be apart with him. They love each other so much, there is still so many things they had to learn step by step. With both of them busy, they still manage to have some time to video chat. Being far away doesn't stop them from getting their bond with each other strong.

3 years, Yuko graduate from Y University with excellent mark. She begin to move back to her birth place, thats how much she loved Sei until she willing to come back to the plce where she had her sad memories. Sei did offer to move to Y city for her but Yuko refuse.

They continue their relationship until Sei propose Yuko on her birthday, she didn't expect it. Sei kneel and ask her if she is willing to be his wife even though he still learn to become a better person, a loving husband and most of all to be a wonderful father to their future kids. Without delay, Yuko said yes and hug him. Sei kiss her forehead, now this make her officially his. And he will continue to love and cherish her for the rest of his life.. Because she is the light in his dark.

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