Chapter 10

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Trough the picture, his able to see that Yuko smile innocent while holding his phone to have a good position to take that picture. He could see how his eyes was so lifeless back then even though he was smile forcely by Yuko.

He kept looking at the picture until he fell asleep.

Yuko on the other hand, have been studing. Even though it was already midnight, she still have to study. She loved the subject that she took her at the university, she made so many friends, yet she still miss her best friend.

Its been awhile they contact with each other and ask how her best friend doing. But because of their own studiest, they couldn't keep in touch with each other everyday. After Yuko had done her school work, she begin to clean her table.

All her book she already put inside her beg, after finish. She goes to her bed and lay on her bed. There is nothing she think about but suddenly Yuko think of Sei, right now when she have the time to think about Sei. Yuko wasn't so depressed about it anymore.

Its been few month now since she had enter her choice of university and there is nothing that she dislike about it, she like all of it. The studing, the lecture, the dorm and all of the facility that the university have.

It is true, what people say about focusing something when your in a heart breaking situation. She didn't have anyone to share her problem except her best friend. Even though she have relatives but it seem that she was unwanted in their family.

Even so, she still need to be strong in what ever hardship she facing. She reminiscent when she was still a little girl. Her father always told her that no matter what she face in the future, smile is the best option. Why?

Because smile could hide the opposite side of someone's saddness, heartache, furious and other feeling. So as time goes by, she use this to deal with her feeling inside.

Yuko soon fell asleep when she was already tired with her activities and studiest for the day. She sleep with nothing to worry about, because she had move on with it.

The next morning, Sei wake up early. It is 7.30am and he took a shower and begin to get ready to work. He couldn't help but feel anxious of what will his secretary found and that is also the reason why he woke up early.

He couldn't sleep well last night because he had a nightmare about Yuko and when he woke up at 2am, he can't go back to sleep so he just lay on his bed and looked at the ceiling. He didn't know when did he fell asleep again but he woke up early when he hear his phone alarm.

After his done getting ready, he went downstair to the living room. There the butler already stand beside the stair and greet Sei with a good morning. Sei for the first time smile and also reply with a good morning.

Now this is the one of the shocking thing that he did, the butler lose his composure and his eyes look straight at Sei. The butler couldn't help but ask Sei if there is something wrong with Sei.

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