Chapter 16

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Meiling continue to talk

"Did you know that was the second time i saw her cried. The first one is her parents funeral and the second one...well, i don't have to tell you coz you know."

The more Sei heard what Meiling say about Yuko, the more he felt his heart being tight.

Its like someone trying to squeeze his heart. He really didn't know what else he could say.

Meiling just look at Sei's face, she wants to see what he thinks when she tells about Yuko. It seems that his face turn even more pale and guilty.

Meiling is satisfied when she see Sei's face, she wanted him to know what he did to Yuko. She doesn't want him to just apologize for what he did but she wants him to know what he did to Yuko really makes Yuko hurt and broken.

"You didn't even know what you say to her brings a big impact to herself and the reason why she chooses to attend university far away from here, its because she no longer wants to remember all the bad memories that she had here. How her relative treat her when she was still living with them, how she been bully by her cousin to do all the chores in the house disspite there are many of her cousin living their. How her aunt and uncle told her that they couldn't no longer affort to raise her but still received the money from the bank  that her parents left for her. God, she have been trought a lot and the least thing that she needs is from a jerk guy like you who treated her coldly."

Meiling just couldn't hold on anymore. The more that she tells him about it, the more she felt like crying. She was sad, because the last time that she and Yuko met is the day before Yuko left the city. She knows that Yuko still smile but that smile is fake. Everytime she asked Yuko whether shes ok, Yuko just told her that she is fine and nothing to worry about.

"So now, tell me the truth. What were the real reason that you need to find Yuko? Was it just to ask forgiveness and fix things between you two? Or there is something else.?"

It took Sei a minue to answer it

"It wasn't just that."

"Then..what is it?"

"I fell in love with her."

"What did you say?"

"I fell in love with her."

"Your lying, she wasn't here anymore, so how can you fell in love with her."

"It's the truth, i fell in love with her before i got my sight back. I know its a bit cliche but when  all that i could see is darkness, she was the one that brings the light. i don't know when did i fell for her but when she was there i would be happy, she talks a lot about life and how i should have never give up even though i can't see.

The day when the doctor call and told me that i would be able to see again, i was happy. I decide to do the operation and it took for about a week to be able to open the bandages. At that time i also decide to confess my feelings for her. But when the time came, i didn't. For the first time i open up my eyes, she was the first that i saw. I guess what i had imagine in mind isn't exactly like the reality."

"What exactly that you imagine?"

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