The Confession

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After I bind my scarf on his hand, I  saw him staring at me. Our eyes locked as his ocean blue eyes bore into my emerald  ones.

Then I asked him which I wanted to a long ago, "Why do you always act like that? " He asked,with an amused expression on his face, "Like what? " "Like it's only you who can save me. Like, like it's only your right to save me. And you say you don't care. You are so confusing."
"You want to know why , right? "He smirked stepping towards me. Wheezing, I backed nervously. As he was forwarding and  I was backing continuously , he held me by my waist as I reached the edge. He gripped me tightly bringing me close to him. I heaved . He then picked up me in bridal style and soared high.

Ryan's POV
I smiled as Erum was filling shy in my arms. I want to hold her always like this. Today nothing is going to stop us to be one. I want to tell her the truth I hid from her, for which I had to ignore her , to hurt her though I wanted to be near her. Smell her sweet scent, laugh with her, stroke her silky hair. But I had to control my emotions, my feelings, my urge for the prophecy bore about none but me.
Erum  came out of shower. She was in a baby blue dress. I was sitting on the bed. I watched her closely ( though subconsciously ) as she dried her hair. She didn't seem to notice my gaze . She was rather lost in her thoughts. There was only a mildly dim lampshade in the room then. The mesmerizing moonlight fell on the face of the angel standing before me. The moonlight glowed on her pink face. Her innocent emerald eyes always made me fall hard for her , looking into which I couldn't let her know about my feelings. My heartbeat got faster even more as my eyes travelled to her pink lips which looked glassy from shower. I realized she was looking at me too. I couldn't held myself from not denying the urge to put a strand of hair behind  her ear. As I softly caressed her cheek, she shivered slightly from my touch which not only made me want her to touch her more but also made my consciousness come back to my mind. Without the slightest willingness to do so, I backed away from her leaving her confused.

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