[𝔼𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕪 𝟙](PILOT)

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     The Castle's alarms we're going off. The defense system was holding up pretty well against the Galra blasters, but this didn't mean It would last forever. The Red lion was attacking a couple of ships. That's when Blue came out of nowhere and bumped into Red.

''Watch where you're going!'' Keith yelled through their intercom. ''How about you watch where you're going, mullet!!'' Lance yelled back. ''You bumped into me!!'' ''No you bumped into--'' ''That's enought! Stop fighting you two!'' Shiro cut Lance, tired of their constant bickering. 

''Shiro! I don't think I can hold up the Castle's defence any longer!'' Princess Allura said. ''Alright team, time to retrieve to the Castle!" And so, all the lions returned to the Castle. When they got into the cockpit, Allura started to open a whormhole that would get them out of there.

When they were going in, a black lighting strike hit the whormhole. Causing the Castle to shake due to the impact. Hunk was trying not to throw up. 

"Oh no, not again!'' Allura yelled and quickly turned to Coran. ''Oh, at least you're ok!'' She said putting both of her hands on his shoulders. ''Of course princess''

Then, the whormhole turned to its original state. ''Is everybody ok?'' Shiro asked. ''I'm fine'' ''Me too'' said Pidge and Keith. ''I- ugg- I-I'm fine just a little nauseas-'' Hunk said. ''Wait, where's Lance?'' 

When Pidge mentioned Lance's name they heard some noises coming from Lance's seat. Keith being the closest to Lance's seat, unfortunately, walked up to Lance's seat. ''Oh my god....'' Keith was honestly surprised at what he saw. A baby boy, who suspiciously looked like Lance, was standing on the seat. Supporting himself with the seats arm supports. He was looking directly at Keith. 

''Keith? What is it? What happened?'' Shiro questioned the raven haired boy. ''I uh-'' ''Gah!'' The small child lifted his arms towards Keith, wanting the male standing in front of him to carry him. Keith the, lifted the child keeping him a bit away from him since he didn't like children, or Lance.

''This happened''


349 words 

This is just a pilot episode, meaning I'll only continue if people like the idea. And if noone ever does read it, I'll just write it for myself.

Have a good quarantine!

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