First Meet

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I was on my way to the Santa Barbra Police Department (SBPD). I was gonna be a new detective. My new boss has called me in today, her name is Karen Vick but she goes by Chief Vick down at the station. I am so excited. My first day! I hope everything goes well. Vick told me that they run things a bit different and to expect the unexpected which makes me nervous but, I'm up for anything. I found the building and pulled into the parking lot. You parked next to a Ford Fusion, a really nice looking car.

Once you parked you started walking towards the building excited for what lies ahead. You walked in the building, people moving from place to other, some with papers, some at their desks, and so forth. You looked to find where Chief Vick's office was but you didn't know. You looked around to find someone nearby to ask for help. You saw two men, one black, one white talking. You walked up to them hoping for help. "Excuse me Gentlemen?" You asked. They both looked at you, staring at you...and then your body. The white man with brown hair spoke first. "Well hello there little missy, who might you be?" He said with a smirk. "I'm Y/N. I was wondering if either of you two know where Chief Vick's office is?" You asked hoping for an answer. "Well Y/N, you've asked the right people, My name is Shawn Spencer, and this here is my good friend Bruton Gaster, we're happy to help." He said with a smile, the darker man looked at Shawn with a dirty look. "My name is actually Burton Guster, Gus for short." He said. "Oh okay, nice to meet you both, now where is Vick's office?" You asked. Shawn walked over to you and wrapped his arm around you. "How about I show you where my office is?" He said. "Shawn!!!" Said Gus while he pulled Shawn away from you. "I'm so sorry miss Y/N, her office is down and on the right." Gus said. You smiled "Thank you!" You told the two boys as you walked toward Vick's office. "(Wow those were some strange boys.)" you thought.

You knocked on Chief Vick's door. "It's open!" Yelled Vick from the other side of the door. You walked in. "Ah miss Y/N, so glad your here." She said. "Happy to be here." You replied. "Please take a seat." She said kindly. You sat down excited. "So Chief, what did you call me down for?" You asked. "Well Miss Y/N I need here for extra help, you see one of our employees is on vacation for a week and I need you to fill in for her for a little while. After that you will be put into your official job here." Vick said. "Sounds good, what is my job for now?" You asked. "You Miss Y/N are gonna be the assistant to our Head Detective." She said walking to the door.

She opened it and called out someone's name "Carlton? Come see me in my office please!" She said. A few seconds later a tall man walked into the room. The man had fair skin, blue eyes, and dark hair with bits of grey. He looked stern but attractive. "Yes Chief?" He asked. His voice stern sounding but also calm. "Detective Lassiter, meet your new assistant." She said gesturing a hand towards you. The man named Lassiter looked at you. His eyes were a pretty blue that went well with his hair. You smiled. "Hello Detective, It's nice to meet you! My name is——" Just before you could say your name he cut you off. "Chief, I don't need an assistant!" He said to Vick.
Vick looked at him annoyed. "I'm sorry Detective but you have to have one." She said sternly. He kept talking "I don't need one. I can do this on my own, and plus Juliet is only gonna gone for a week. Can't I just work on my own?" He said. "Detective! You have to have an assistant! Just in case something happens to you during a case. Now please! Cooperate with you new assistant, please!" She said. He looked mad. He sighed. "Fine!" He said. "Good! Now speaking of cases, here's one for you both, please get to work on it immediately!" She said handing you a file. You were about to open it but Lassiter snatched it out of your hands. He looked in it. "Alright, lets get to work." He said looking at you sternly.

He then left the room. You looked at Chief Vick with a worried look. "Don't worry Miss Y/N. He's not gonna hurt you. Just go with him and help the best you can. He'll come around." She said. You nodded and left the room. You looked around for Lassiter and saw him at the doors ready to walk outside. You quickly ran over to catch up, not wanting to be left behind.

It's You and him walked over to his car which was the Ford Fusion you parked next to. He got in on the drivers side and you on the passengers side. You and him buckled. He looked at you. "What did you say your name was?" He asked. "I didn't..." you said "Then what is it." He asked. "Y/N L/N." You said with a small smile. He then sighed. "Okay Y/N let's make things clear. You are to listen to me, do as I say. You are to speak when spoken to, you are to listen to me and me only unless it's Chief Vick, do you understand?" He asked sternly. You nodded. "Yes sir." You said hesitantly. "(I can tell this guy is going to be a pain in the ass.)" you thought.

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