Never gonna loose me (fluff)

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(Hello!!! My Lassie Lovers!!! I hope you are doing well! I hope your enjoying the book. I do have one shots in the making. I hope you enjoy this fluff. The next story will be a smut so be prepared. ILY my Lassie Lovers!!!)

That's all you felt right now was searing pain.
Pouring out your body, heavily, all over your clothes.
You had gotten shot, the bullet hit your abdomen. You were bleeding badly. You needed a hospital.

You were laying on the concrete ground, bleeding out. The criminal getting away.


You heard someone shout your name. You weren't sure who. It was muffled.
You saw someone standing over you, worry in their eyes. Their beautiful blue eyes.

The tall figure picked you up and carried you. You didn't know where, you didn't know who.
You smelled cologne, men's cologne. You recognize the sent. But you couldn't tell from where. You were fazing in and out of reality.
You heard the man that was carrying you talking, but you couldn't quite comprehend what he was saying.

You felt drops of water falling on your skin, but there was no rain.

You felt yourself laying down once again. This time on a much comfier surface. You heard two slams, a motor starting. Before anything else could happen.
You passed out.

*2 days later*

You heard a faint beeping noise.
You opened your eyes slowly, you were blinded by the bright lights in the room.
Everything was blurry.

"Y/n?" Said someone. A voice that you recognized.

"hello?" You said soft and confused.

"Oh my god! Y/N." Said the voice, sounding relieved

" that you? Did I die?" You asked rubbing your eyes to see better.

You heard a chuckle. "No you didn't die. Not on my watch." Said the man. You were starting to see more clearly. You saw the person talking to you. It was your co-worker and boyfriend Carlton Lassiter. The love do your life. His hair was a mess, his eyes were red and puffy, as though he was crying.

"Lassie?" You said surprised.
"Yes?" He said.
You started to tear up. "Lassie is that really you?" You said reaching your hand out to touch his face. He took your hand and held it. "Yes it is." He said softly with a smile. You smiled back.

You started to sit up when all the sudden pain shot through your body. "Fucking hell!!!" You yelled out in pain.
Lassie looked at you worried. "Baby, take it easy. Your wound needs to heal." He said, helping you sit up.
You looked down at your wound. "What happened to me?" You asked.
Lassies smile disappeared. "I found you on the ground, you were shot, and were bleeding out. So I picked you up and carried you to my car, I drove you to the hospital. After that the doctors cleaned up the blood and removed the bullet, luckily the bullet didn't hit any important organs." He said, as he spoke tears formed in his beautiful blue eyes
. "I thought you were gonna die." He said, his voice breaking. "I thought I was gonna loose you." He said tears were pouring out his eyes. "Hey." You said softly, wiping his tears away.

He looked at you. You kissed him deeply. He kissed back wrapping his arms around you, making sure he didn't touch your wound. You pulled away and looked into his eyes. "You're never gonna loose me Lassie. Not now not ever." You said. He smiled. You hugged him tightly. "I love you Lassie." You said. He kissed your forehead. "I love you too Y/N. I'm so glad your okay." He said. "I'm so glad you saved me." You said with a smile. He smiled too.

After a few weeks your wound healed up and you were ready to leave the hospital. Lassie took you back to his place and you spent the rest of recovery with him. Your knight in shining armor.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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