A Oneshot (Fluff)

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(Hey so this is just a one-shot. It's not related to the story that's happening. I promised one shots so I am gonna scatter them in. So yeah this is a one shot. Again NOT related to the two previous chapters.)


It was nice sunny day, you were headed back to the house you and your boyfriend (Lassie) shared. You walked into the house and set down the groceries you had gotten from the store. "Lassie I'm Home!" You yelled.
You didn't get a response. You walked toward the office knowing that he'd be there. You saw the office door cracked. You opened it and sure enough, there was Lassie at his desk working on paperwork and files. You sighed. Lassie had been working in the office for three days without many breaks. These past few nights he hasn't been coming to bed. He'd always ended up falling  asleep at his desk. You wanted him to stop and take a break.
(And get a away! Run away with us for the summer let's go upstate!!! Sorry 😂)

You walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his back from behind. "Hi Lassie!" You said as you kissed him on the cheek, hoping he would turn away from his work. Alas he did not. You frowned. "Lassie?" You said. "What? Can't you see I'm busy?" He said sounding a little paranoid. You rolled your eyes. (Since when is he not?) you thought. "Babe please take a break. Come with me. We can go on a walk, maybe get a drink, cuddle and relax together. Wouldn't that be nice?" You asked with the hope that he'll go. "I can't. I have to get this work done. Maybe later." He said. You sighed. You kissed his cheek again before you left the room. You sat on the couch alone watching tv. Hoping soon Lassie would come out of the office.

*hours later*

It was 11:00 pm at night. You were laying in bed reading a book waiting for Lassie to come to bed. But he didn't. You got up and walked into the office. Lassie was still working. You walked up behind him and placed your hands on his shoulders. You gave him little kisses on his cheek and neck. "Lassie, honey, won't you come to bed with me?" You asked softly. He gave a big sigh. "I'm-." You cut him off "Busy! I know, but you've been working all day. Plus you've not had any proper sleep. Every morning I find you in here asleep in here. I'd like it if you slept in the bed and not on the desk." You said sternly. "I sleep fine in here." He said. You then pulled his chair away from the desk. You got in front of him and looked him in his eyes. "Lassie please. Come to bed. I miss you." You said looking at him sadly. He looked at you. "Babe I can't. I need to work." He said. "But Lassie..." You were about to continue but he stopped you. "Y/N. I need to finish my work!" He said his voice raised. You looked at him angrily. You walked out of the office without saying a word. You got back into bed and laid down. You felt tears go down your face. You missed Lassies body next to yours, holding you close. Giving you small kisses. You wiped away your tears, turned over and fell asleep.

Lassies POV
(Finally done with my work) I thought to myself smiling. I yawned then looked at the time "Oh shit." I said. It was 1:00 am in the morning. I got up and walked to the bedroom. I walked in to see Y/N already asleep. I then remembered what happened and what a said a few hours ago. I felt horrible. I wanted to apologize for his words but, I couldn't right now. I'd have to wait till later. I changed into my pjs and got into bed next to her. I didn't deserve Y/N. She was too kind and sweet. All she does is care about me and try to make me happy, and she does. I love her more than anything in this world. I couldn't believe she could tolerate my ass but, somehow she did. I need to make it up to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close. Her eyes opened a bit. "Lassie?" She said softly and confused.

I felt myself being moved. I opened my a eyes, delirious and confused on what was happening. I saw Lassie pulling me close to him. "Lassie?" I said tiredly. "What are you-." He stopped you "Shhh, it's okay." He said softly. He kissed your forehead gently, rubbing your back softly. You gave a small smile. "I'm surprised your here." You said. He chuckled. "Yeah well I got finished with my work." He said. You sighed. "Fucking finally." You said giggling softly. "He laughed. He looked at you. "I'm sorry about everything." He said sadly. "I shouldn't have raised my voice at you, I should've listened to you." He said. You smiled at him. You kissed him deeply. "Yes you should have listened." I said with a smirk. He smiled. "I am truly sorry. I'll do whatever to make it up to you." He said tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. You smiled. "It's okay Lassie. I forgive you." You said calmly. You put your head on his chest and he had his arms still around you pulling you as close a possible. He kissed your forehead gently and both of you fell asleep.

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