Part 2 first meet

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(Part two of the previous one. Enjoy my fellow Potatos!)

Lassiter started his car, pulled out of the parking lot and drove. The drive was quiet and uncomfortable. You wanted to say something but, you remembered you didn't see what was in the file. "So Sir, what was in the file? What's our case?" You asked. He looked at you. "Didn't you read it?" He asked rudely. You looked at him annoyed. "Well I was about to, but you took it away from me before I could." You said trying to keep your cool. He sighed. "It was about a man named Daniel Graham who died mysteriously in his own home. He didn't live with anyone but his dog named Lola." He said. "So we're going over to check it out to see what we can find out." He finished. "Okay, sounds good." You said.

Once again uncomfortable silence hit. You kept glancing at the man. Trying to look at him without it being obvious. Lassiter was a very handsome man. His eyes were a really pretty blue. His body frame looked somewhat muscular but not "swole" like a body builder. His hair made him look sexy. "(Wait why am I thinking this. He is my boss, so to speak.)" you thought. You wondered why he was so stern. I get that he likes to be independent but still. "So who was your assistant before me?" You asked. "A women named Juliet O'Hara." He said. "What is she like?" You asked. "She's smart, knows how to handle crime against the dirtbags of Santa Barbara." He said. "I hope I will be as good as her." You said with a smile. "Doubt it." He said. You looked at him with a rude look. He saw "What?!" He asked. You looked away from him. You kept quiet the rest of the car ride.

Lassiter parked in front of a house. You and Lassiter got out of the car and walked toward the house. A couple of police men were already there. You walked in and saw the body. Your eyes went wide, you've never really seen a dead body in person before. It was really weird. Lassiter started looking around for clues. You did the same. A few minutes later you see a blue car pull up to the front of the house. Two men walked out of it. It was those two boys you met earlier that day Shawn and Gus.

They started walking up to the house. Just as you were about to walk out to talk to them Lassiter beat you to it. "What the hell are you two doing here?" He asked angrily. "(Jeez)" you thought. Shawn spoke " Oh calm down Lassie, we were just in the neighborhood and thought we should check it out." He said with a smirk. "Lassie?" You said confused. Shawn laughed. "Oh that's just his nickname." He said with another smile. "It is NOT my nickname and you two are not needed here so please leave. This is police work." He said. "Wait, you guys are not police? I thought you said you worked for the police department?" You said. "Oh we do work for the department but not as police." Gus said. "Then what do you guys work as?" You asked.

Shawn then put his finger up to his temple. "I'm a psychic." He said. You laughed. "No way. That's not possible. There's no such thing as psychics." You said. Shawn then walked up to you very closely. He put his finger to his temple again. He looked at you. "What are you doing?" You asked uncomfortably. "You Miss...what was your name again?" He asked. "Y/N." You said. "You Miss Y/N woke up this morning more tired than usual. Probably stayed up late last night didn't you?" He asked. You stared at him. "Yeah why?" You asked. He smiled and continued. "You also miss someone who was very close to you? Someone you loved." He says. You were so shocked. "H-how did you know?" You asked suspiciously. He smirked "Psychic." He whispered.

Shawn then walked were the body was followed by Gus. You followed too with Lassiter close behind. A few seconds later Shawn spoke. "This man was murdered!" He claimed. Everyone looked at him confused. "That's a very bold accusation Shawn. Why do you say that?" You asked. Shawn was about to reply but Lassiter stopped him. "No! No no no! NO! This is not your case, it's mine!" He said to the two boys. "Don't you mean our case?" You said to Lassiter but he didn't hear you. "You two have no business here! We don't need you "psychic" bull shit. Just go!" He yelled. "Woah Lassie, calm down. You don't wanna look bad in front of your assistant do you?" He asked jokingly. "I don't care what my assistant thinks of me." He said very rudely. You looked at Lassiter annoyed.

You looked back at the body and looked to find anything more. Just when you were about to give up you spot something on the man that might just have proven Shawn right. You looked at the three boys still bickering. "Guys!" You yelled. They didn't hear you. You walked over to Lassiter. "Lassiter!" You said. Still didn't hear you. You then grabbed his arm. "Detective!!!" You yelled. This time he turned to look at you. "WHAT?!" He yelled clearly riled up from Shawn. "Lassiter, you may not like this but, I think Shawn might be right. Come see what I found." You said calmly. He looked at you perplexed but followed with Shawn and Gus.

You showed him what you found. A necklace that had a sapphire blue heart. Lassiter picked it and put it in an evidence bag. You looked at Shawn. He was about to walk out the front door along with Gus but you stopped him. "Shawn! Wait." You said. He turned around. You walked up to him. "You said that he was murdered and you were right." You said. He nodded. "Yeah." He said. "Are you really Psychic? Cause If so maybe we do need your help." You said.

He was about to say yes when Lassiter once again interrupted. "No! He is not! And no we do not need his help!" Lassie said glaring at you and Shawn. "But, Lassiter, He knew that the guy was murdered. He may be on to something here. Can't we at least give him the chance to prove it?!" You asked impatient. Lassiter was really getting on your nerves. "No! We don't need him and we never will! Now let's take the evidence we got back to the station to analyze everything to see if we can come up with something without Mr Spencer's psychic mumbo jumbo!" He said very angrily. You were about to speak but, Lassiter gave you a "do as I say" look.

You sighed and rolled your eyes. You looked at Shawn. "You're free to go Shawn. Thank you for your help." You said. He nodded and left. You looked to find Lassiter and saw him talking to McNab. You couldn't stand Lassiter any more right now. You walked out of the house and looked around.

The area of the house was really nice. There were beautiful trees and the man also had a garden. (Why would a man have a garden?) you thought. You walked around the house hoping to find maybe a clue. As you walked to the back of the house, you felt like someone was watching you. You looked around and saw something in the trees in bushes. You started to walk over to it until..."ASSISTANT L/N!!!" Yelled Lassiter. You turned around and saw him gesturing for you to come to him. You looked back at the bushes and trees, wanting to check but, you knew if you did Lassiter would yell at you. You walked to him. "What?!" You asked crossing your arms. "We're gong back to the station to look over evidence. Let's go!" He said as he walked back to the car, you followed. You sat down in your seat and he sat in his and started the car.

He started driving and about a few seconds later you spoke. "Why couldn't we let Shawn help us?" You asked. Lassiter sighed. "You're still on that? I told you we don't need him!" He said. "Don't we though?! I mean he said the guy got murdered and then we found some evidence that could actually prove him right! He was on to something, we could've used his help to solve this case!" You said starting to get more annoyed. "He wasn't on to anything! He is an idiot that thinks he a "psychic" when he's not! If anything what he should be is in jail!" He said angrily.

You looked at him, shocked that he said such a thing. "I know he's not a psychic, but still he had something. Something we don't have. Something that could've helped us!" You said. Lassiter stopped the car and looked at you dead in your eyes. "We don't need him!!! We're gonna solve this case without him!!! Do you understand?!?" He yelled. You rolled your eyes, and turned away from him. "And I do NOT wanna hear anymore of this shit, got it?" He said. You didn't say anything. He started the car once again and drove. You both didn't speak for the rest of the ride. You both were too mad to talk to one another. (Why couldn't Chief Vick have given me a different job? Why did she put me with this asshole?) you thought.

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