BONUS: Easton

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[A/N: This chapter occurs around chapter XXVIII (Damian, Elliot, and Taylor getting kidnapped). Enjoy!]

BONUS: Easton

"I quit." The demon of envy slammed his hand on the counter, glaring at his boss.

"Is this about what happened yesterday?" The Scottish man crosses his arms and raises his eyebrow at him.

"I don't know, Paul. I've lost count of all my coworkers you shagged on the supply closet." Easton rolls his eyes.

"Then why are you quitting? If it's the pay I could always promote you. If not, maybe we can work this out." He says in a sultry tone that tickled Easton's senses in his first few days working in Jabberwocky.

The demon had always found solace in books. Having to live forever, he had no one besides his brothers and his books.

Well at least that's what he thought before Damian came in his life.

"There's no we. I thought there was until I realized you're just a weirdo who has a fetish on workplace sex." The demon scoffed.

"If your jealous maybe I can make it up to—"

"Can you please stop making everything about you?" The demon almost screamed in frustration. "I'm tired of being jealous of the people you fuck all the time."

Ironic. Coming from the demon of envy himself.

"Look," Easton starts before his boss would not let him go. "I'm sure you'll have lots of new employees to fuck, good for you, but I'm done with this" He wags his fingers between them. "whatever this is."

"Fine. But don't come running back to me when you can't find someone to replace me." Paul sneers at him.

"You wish." The demon rolls his eyes once more. "You're hot...but not that hot." He says one last time before he starts walking to the door.


Heading down to the mall, the demon walks down the street and was stopped in his tracks when he sees an old pawn shop. He was always fond of collecting trinkets, old or new, and just place it in his room. One time, Damian had went to clean his room and straight up called him a hoarder.

The demon laughed, remembering the small fight they had when Damian cleaned his room and wanted him to throw the random stuff he had.

"See anything you like?" An old woman's voice pulls him back to reality.

Realizing he had walked into the store and stared at random stuff, Easton turned and smiled respectfully at the old lady.

"Just looking around." He replied.

"Looking for anything in particular?" The woman asks and Easton tries to think of something he wanted to buy.

He had bought stuff for his brothers and they would just lose it or throw it away. He had been trying to 'cut down' on the hoarding and nothing really had caught his interest until he realized something.

"Do you have anything sold in pairs?" He quickly asked the woman in excitement and immediately got a weird look in response.

It had been a thing for him and Damian. 'Twinning', goofy Damian had call it once. Knowing the demon would easily get envious, Damian would buy stuff in two. He would buy two pairs of shoes, jeans, and even get himself two of the same shirt or jewelry because he knew Easton would steal it if he only bought one.

Peter had scolded Easton once because it would make Damian lose track of his budget but the human always said he was fine with it.

"Well—" The woman starts to look around. "Would you like to look at some jewelry?"

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