Chapter Six

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Well, here is chapter six, my lovely readers!

Chapter Six: Let's just see where they are.

~A Week Later~

Point of view: Aurora's

A stone hits me in the cheek, cutting a gash in my face. I know immediately it won't scar. Percy has been getting similar treatment.

It all started when Connor pulled a prank on Chiron and blamed it on Percy and I.

Then someone stole Travis's favorite gift from Hermes and blamed it on me. And he actually believed them. We are still together, but he watches me warily and his eyes never leave me when I'm around him.

Someone hid Clarisse's new shield, a gift from her father, and blamed it on Percy.

I can go on and on, but you get my point. The someone who convinced Connor to blame us, the person who stole all the items is the same person. A person I myself saved and almost died for. The new son of Poseidon.

Someone hurt Lily and Percy and I knew it was the new son of Poseidon that I'd saved. He said she didn't belong here and couldn't reside in his cabin because she doesn't have Poseidon's blood coursing through her veins. We confronted him and Poseidon disowned Percy and I and took both Riptide and my sword from us and gave them to his new favorite child, Madir Urghen. We had to move out of the cabin while he became head counselor. Chiron sent us on less missions and Lily couldn't be near campers because they'd throw rocks at her too. All because she was our sibling. We were so depressed all the time and Hermes' cabin wouldn't let us sleep there. So we stayed in the Big House. Chiron started to hate us and Percy and I went down to the beach to clear our heads and protect Lily. We found Annabeth and Travis kissing and we both packed up and took Lily across the border.

Now here we are two weeks later standing in front of Zeus and Hades and the entire Olympian council. The throne room was menacing now that all the gods were glaring at us. Only one wasn't glaring and she was confused, Lady Artemis.

Percy and I were in chains kneeling at the feet of Zeus himself and I was cradling my little sister who was whimpering and trying to hide behind my long unkempt hair. It hangs below my waist in a braid so it won't touch the floor. She has her face buried in my chest, fearing Zeus. I'm not afraid and neither is Percy. We are just enraged at the idea of what was going on because we have no idea ourselves.

The two camps, Hunters, and Amazons stand in the back of the room. Queen Hylla is looking around confused and so are the Hunters. Only Camp Half-Blood knows what's going on and they won't look at us. The seven aren't here, except for Annabeth. Reyna seems to be out as well. Nico is wrapped in shadows and wide eyed.

Percy and I have lost all friends, but apparently Lady Artemis. We aren't too sure about our roman friends because Annabeth may have gotten to them. One way to describe how Percy and I look is saying we came out of Tartarus, but less exhausted and mortified. Annabeth and Travis were kissing in the back. I would never trust children of Athena or Hermes ever again, nor the deities themselves.

"Aurora Rose Jackson, Perseus Achilles Jackson, and Lily Sophie Blofis!" Zeus starts to boom.

"You leave our little sister out of this, monster!" I snarl.

Percy growls out, "Don't you dare touch her!"

The guards holding our chains yank on them and hit us with celestial bronze nightstick looking things.

"QUIET!" Zeus thunders.

"Father! You can't harm a child of only four years!" Artemis began shouting.

"You couldn't! She's just a mortal with clear vision!" Thalia follows in lead with her patron.

"Quiet my daughters!" Zeus booms again.

"What have these three done to offend you?!" Artemis continues to yell.

"They have turned against us and their godly blood. They shall be dealt with. The mortal child will seek revenge if not dealt the same punishment." Zeus declares.

"Turned against you?! Turned against YOU?!" I can't control my bottled up anger any longer. "We defended your homes! We saved most of your lives countless times! We've gone on several selfish quests to retrieve your items for you! All so you wouldn't have to be embarrassed! You deserve whatever horrible fate befalls you! I've seen all of you! I've seen into your souls! Percy is more noble than you! Our little sister is innocent! And she knows nothing! We left BECAUSE of you! If you are too blind to see that then you will never survive without even more deaths. I'm sick of seeing everything about you. No wonder the Fates don't want me to see the ultimate course of your actions against us. You will regret this day, the day you turned against us." I scream and threaten.

Zeus looks astonished and frightened.

The guards hit me in the stomach and I cough up blood. It runs down my chin. I glare at Zeus.

"For all the years we've known you this is how you treat us? All we ever wanted was friends, family, rest, and safety. You stole it away from us the minute we were born, but without us you wouldn't be here at all." Percy adds with a dangerous edge to his voice like mine.

The guards beat Percy, just because he spoke to the king of the heavens.

"Sissy, what's going on?" Lily asks me without looking. Her head still hidden from view. I have to shield her from the clubs.

"What happened to mommy isn't going to happen to us Lily. I won't let it happen to you. I swear on the River Styx." I vow to her.

"I swear as well." Percy says. Thunder booms louder than Zeus when we swear.

The guards are going to hit us again, but Artemis stops it.

I hold my hand out to Percy and he takes it, knowing what we are about to do.

"Hold on to me Lily and don't look until Percy or I tell you. No matter what." I whisper in her ear.

She nods. "What are you doing and talking about?!" Zeus yells.

A Fury screeches as it lands on Hades's shoulder. Hades's eyes widen and he starts, "Zeus, stop, you're-"

Percy and I were already talking to each other in our heads.

On three brother, be ready for anything. One.

Percy nods. Two.


Our chains freeze over and break before Hades can finish. I shine a bright white light with the power of a seer. "You will forever rue your decisions and actions, all of you here! Only the ones you betrayed can save you! And you've gotten rid of them!" My voice booms and echoes throughout the throne room with venom and malice.

Like I thought, it paralyses them and my siblings and I run out the doors and we are down to the streets of Manhattan in no time. We run until we reach the city limits.

"You can open your eyes now, Lily." I speak softly to her.

She looks up at me, finds Percy, and looks at our surroundings. "Why did your voice change big sister?" She looks back at me.

"Because I needed to scare them so we could keep our promise to you. We won't ever let anything happen to you without your wanting us to." I smile at her.

"Okay." She nods and grins.

Then a man-sized black and white swirling portal comes out of nowhere beside us. We jump back to avoid the man coming out.

"Hello." The man says.

Did you like it? I hope you did :D. PJO/HOO belong to Rick Riordan. Til next we meet, my lovely readers.

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