Chapter 13

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Sasuke - 8 years old
Naruto - 7 years old with 5 tails
Just so you know before we begin.

Sasuke and Naruto have gotten along like the first time they met. They would fight about something the other had said. Naruto finally figured it was Sasuke who was pranking him, he didn't know why and his brother wouldn't answer him so he would just prank Sasuke anyway. Sasuke had to admit it some of the pranks were impressive for a fox. Sasuke was surprised by the foxes intelligence and decided to call in reinforcements. His best friend and distant cousin, Neji. Now with both boys together Naruto didn't stand a chance. Naruto kept getting pranked after prank, his head was spinning. When Iruka asked why, Sasuke simply said "the fox deserved it" and went on his way. Unfortunately one of the pranks caused Naruto's eyes to be slightly damaged. Kyuubi nearly killed the two boys when he found out. Thankfully Itachi calmed him down, Naruto had to wear glasses for a couple of years though. When Kyuubi saw this he was okay because the magnifying glasses made him more adorable. With this the pranking had stopped for this trip. However Neji had to hear Sasuke complaining about the fox throughout the visit. Neji didn't understand why Sasuke hated the fox but didn't want to ask, he already had a headache from five minutes of Sasuke's complaining. Whenever Sasuke was busy, Neji would slip away and look at Naruto trying to figure out why Sasuke hates him, despite being a little loud, Naruto was a fine example of a prince. Neji just hoped this would all work out in the end.

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