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June 15th, 1994

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June 15th, 1994

9:37 a.m.

The only noise in the kitchen was the quiet whistling of the kettle, slowly coming to a boil. Jude sighed as she leaned back against the counter, pushing her hair out of her eyes. It'd been about a week since her and her father had packed up their entire lives to move from their small apartment in Palm Springs to the even smaller apartment in East Los Angeles. Her father had been jumping from job to job for years now, a result of a quick temper that had often got him into trouble with his employers. Luckily for the family, Jude's uncle had offered her father a job at his auto repair shop in Montebello which prompted them to make the move. Unfortunately, Luca Bellucci's temper was a common visitor in the household, Jude often being on the receiving end of it as she was the only other person in the house majority of the time with the exception of the occasional woman the man would bring home or the friends he'd have over to drink.

As if on queue, Jude's father walked into the kitchen.  "Buongiorno," the man nodded curtly to his daughter, walking to the fridge to retrieve his lunch bag that he'd be taking to work

"you're up early. You have plans today?" he asked her with a raised eyebrow as he pulled out a chair at the kitchen table, sitting down to lace up his work boots. The girl gave him a little nod, turning her attention to the whistling kettle so she could pour some of the water over a tea bag she'd put into her mug.

"si papà, I'm going to go skating after I eat. I haven't gotten to look around the city at all yet"

The man simply nodded, standing back up as he finished tying up his boots. "You better stay out of trouble, I don't have time to be dealing with any bullshit right now, capisci?"

Again, the girl simply nodded, not looking to give the man a reason to get angry with her so early in the morning. Satisfied with her response, the man turned to leave the kitchen, Jude only relaxing completely once she heard the click of the front door.

. . .

11:48 a.m.

Jude smiled softly at the mirror as she finished putting her hair into two french braids, double checking that her makeup was alright before deeming herself ready to head out into the city. Scooping up her backpack, she tossed a couple of her favourite cassettes and her wallet in before making sure that the pack of smokes she'd hidden from her father were still in there. Content with what she had, she grabbed her board and her tape deck, heading out the front door.

Making her way out of the apartment complex, Jude let her board fall to the ground, beginning to ride towards the the strip of stores and restaurants her and her father had passed on their drive here. The girl hummed contently as she felt the warm summer air blowing in her face as she sped down the street, the sweet sound of Cherub Rock beginning to play through her headphones.

𝕘𝕝𝕠𝕣𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕘𝕠𝕣𝕖|𝕞𝕚𝕕𝟡𝟘𝕤Where stories live. Discover now