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Tw// abuse

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Tw// abuse

June 15th, 1994

2:24 p.m.

"So, Jude" Ray smiles at the girl "You new here? Cos I've never seen you 'round here" He leaned back against the couch waiting for the girls answer

"Yah, I moved here last week. I'm from Palm Springs but my dad got a job at my uncles truck shop in Montebello so... we're here now" she shrugged a little, playing with the end of one of her braids. "I live up in that complex off Belsen Avenue"

"Shit, no way! Fourthgrade lives up in there too!" Ray beamed, nudging the skinny boy slightly who cast her a shy smile, mumbling a small "yeah"

"Shit, I guess you'll have to show me around sometime" she hummed softly, continuing to twist her braid around her finger as she watched him, giggling at how flustered he seemed to get.

"Oh, uh yeah... yeah" he nodded quickly, looking down again with a little grin

"Oh ! Get some fourthgrade" Fuckshit shouted, rubbing his hands together with a laugh as Fourthgrade ignored him, Judes face flushing red. "y'all tryna go skate though?"

Everyone agreed, starting to head out to the back of the store, Jude giggling as she threw her board down once they got outside, pretty excited to have a group of people she could skate with.

Jude watched as the boys skated, her eyes landing on fourthgrade who was filming them all, grinning over at him as she landed her trick.

"Whatcha doing?" The girl asked as she skated over to the boy, gliding around him on her board with a little giggle.

Fourthgrade smiled softly, turning his camera on her as she circled him "Filming... I like making skate videos of em..."

"Really? That's sick!" Jude beamed, kicking up her board in front of him, gasping when he grabbed it before she could "hey...!" She called with a laugh, feeling her cheeks heat up.

Fourthgrade cracked a lopsided smile, letting her grab the board back off him "sorry about Fuckshit earlier, he's a dumbass..." he shut the screen of his camcorder, fiddling with the hand strap.

"Nah, it's alright. Nothin' you can do about that" she nudged him lightly "you can show me around the neighbourhood though sometime" Jude glanced up at the boy, reaching up to lightly tug at her braid, a nervous habit of hers. "Unless you don't want to, I don't wanna force you into anything" she added quickly.

He quickly shook his head "no, no! How about you skate back with me later?" The blond boy suggested, not looking her in the eye.

Feeling a wave of relief, Jude cracked a smile once again, nodding "that'd be sweet, Fourthgrade..."

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