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July 3rd, 1994

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July 3rd, 1994

1:30 p.m.

It was one of the hottest days of the year so far and the group had been fucking around behind the shop for a couple hours now. Birdie sighed lazily, picking her board up before going to lay down in the small amount of shade behind the shop. She closed her eyes, hands clasped behind her head as she listened to the sound of wheels on pavement as the others kept skating.

After a while, she heard someone sit beside her, causing her to open her eyes and tip her head back a little to see who it was. Much to her surprise, it was a kid she hadn't seen around here before. He looked quite a bit younger than herself making her wonder if he was a friend of Rubens.

As of to answer her questions, Ruben walked over, taking a long sip from the water jug, finishing it off "man, I'm skating like shit today"

The kid shook his head quickly "looks cool to me"

Birdie laughed at the enthusiasm of the boy "dont tell him that, you'll make his head bigger than it already is"

To this Ruben rolled his eyes "shut the fuck up" he scoffed before turning back to the kid "I'm Ruben. That dumb bitch is Birdie"

"stevie" he replied, looking between the two of them, his head darting up as Ray walked over, scooping up the now empty jug.

"man? you finished it already? go fill this shit up" He tossed the jug at Ruben who held it for a second before holding it out to Stevie.

"Yo Stevie, go fill up this jug with water?"

Without hesitation, the boy hopped up, seemingly excited to be given such a medial task. He quickly disappeared into the store, Birdie giggling at the enthusiasm of it all.

Deciding she was over cooling down, she hopped up, scooping up her board as she walked over to fourthgrade who was currently crouched down, filming fuckshit. The girl dropped her board, leaning on the boys shoulders so she could watch fuckshit from his angle, smiling a little as he glanced over.

"this a good shot?" she questioned, laughing as he turned the camera on her

"Wasn't too bad" he shrugged, a small smile on his face as he followed her movements.

She hopped on her board , moving to skate around him for a second before popping the board up from under her, landing the trick.

"ya see that?" she grinned, sticking her tongue out at the camera playfully "Smoother than his dumbass" she called, directing the playful jab towards Fuckshit, laughing loudly as he kicked his board toward her quickly, trying to knock her over. Fourthgrade watched, an amused look on his face before shutting his camera.

7:00 pm

Jude sighed as she leaned her head back against the wall outside the shop, quietly watching the group of young kids across the street chase each other around, their mothers scolding them each time they got too close to the street.

The friends had moved inside once the heat became unbearable but once the sun began to set lower in the sky, her and fourthgrade moved to sit out front, away from the loud chatter inside. The pair still had plans to go see a movie later, but planned to drop their boards back at the apartment complex. Birdie couldn't help but feel waves of anxiety rush over her every time she thought about going home, knowing that if her father was home, she'd have to come up with some kind of excuse as to where she was going for the night.

However, she was pulled out of those thoughts briefly as Stevie came shooting out of the store, yelling a quick 'bye!' in their direction as he ran down the street. She couldn't help but smile at the seemingly carefree kid, waving at him as he passed by. She nudged the boy beside her, grabbing his attention.

"ya think we should head out? Still got a bit of a trek to the building.." Maybe if they left now, she could avoid her dad, maybe leave a note with a little white lie to keep him off her ass for once.

To this the boy nodded, hauling himself up before turning to hold a hand out to her.

"thank you.." She hummed lightly, letting him pull her up, bumping his chest playfully as she got to her feet. "ready?"

"yeah" he shot her a crooked smile, the pair starting to walk away from the store.

7:40 p.m.

As the pair got to the building, Birdie turned to Fourthgrade, agreeing to meet him back downstairs in fifteen. Giving him a small wave, she made her way up to her place, slowly opening the door, peeking at the show mat.

No work boots. Thank god.

Letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, the girl went to her room, quickly sliding her board under the bed before beginning to rummage through her closet. After a few moments, she settled on pulling on a pair of jean short and a crewneck that had been a hand-me-down from her cousin.

After touching up her makeup and letting her hair down, she grabbed her notebook quickly writing a note for her dad;


Vado a vedere un film con mia amica, Estee, e alcuni dei suoi amici. Potrei dormire fuori.

amo, Jude.

Sure it was a bit of a lie to say she was going with Estee , a girl she'd only talked to in passing at parties, but it was better than letting him know it was fourthgrade she was going with.

Rereading the letter quickly, she ripped the note out, grabbed her bag and walked to the kitchen where she set the note down before leaving the home.

As she got downstairs, she quickly spotted fourthgrade, rushing over to him with a smile. "hey!"

The boy looked up, smiling slightly. "Hey... ready?"

Jude nodded with a smile, ready to make her way to the movies with the gangly boy.

"alright... well let's go"

i'm getting back into mid90s so i'm back into this I think !!

-Nik <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2021 ⏰

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