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Tw // abuse & mention of abuse

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Tw // abuse & mention of abuse

July 3rd, 1994
1:32 a.m.
It'd been a few weeks since Jude had begun hanging around Motor and it'd honestly felt like the only thing keeping her afloat. Now that her father was close to her uncle and the men he worked with at the shop, it seemed like there wasn't a night he didn't come home drunk and angry, always ready to take it out on his daughter.

She was currently sitting in her room, back against the door as she listened to her father stomp around the house, his footsteps spaced out and clumsy. As she heard a knock on her door, she cringed, looking up from the half forgotten magazine in her lap.


"Unlock the door, Jude."

The girl slowly stood, walking over to unlock her door, facing her father at the door.

"cosa ti ho detto sulla chiusura della porta, huh?"

"Not to, I'm sorry..." she said quietly, taking a step back, not looking to agitate him anymore than he already was

"That's right. And what do you do? Lock it anyways." He glared at her, moving forward. "non ascolti mai. sei stupido?"

Before she could get another word in, her father shoved her roughly, causing her to fall back and slam her head against the bookcase, a small cry leaving her.

"You know what I heard? From one of the guys at work? They saw you roaming around town on that fucking skateboard with all these boys..." stomping his foot down onto her hand, leaning down. "sei una troia?"

"no papà..." she said quietly, biting down on her lip as he ground his foot into her hand. Her eyes followed him as she watched him look over to her skateboard that was leaning against the foot of her bed, panic rising in her chest. Slowly he walked over to it, kicking it over so it was flat on the ground.

"I don't believe you." He scoffed, bringing his foot down roughly on the old board, the crack filling the room.

Jude cried out, quickly scrambling up "what the fuck!" She yelled, rushing over to him, only to be shoved back again, the side of her face meeting with the bed post.

"non provi mai a parlarmi in quel modo, mi senti?" The man yelled at her before kicking the board towards her "I make the rules here." He scoffed, leaving without another word.

After a moment she slowly got up, cupping the side of her face as she rushed over to shut her door, leaning back against it, eyes falling on her board. Letting out a shaky breath she moved to lay on her bed, hand over her mouth as she felt the tears start to fall down her face.

𝕘𝕝𝕠𝕣𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕘𝕠𝕣𝕖|𝕞𝕚𝕕𝟡𝟘𝕤Where stories live. Discover now