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June 16th, 19949:45 a

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June 16th, 1994
9:45 a.m.

Jude let out a sigh of relief as she heard the front door slam. Relieved to finally be home alone again, the girl left her room and headed to the kitchen to make herself breakfast.

As she sat down at the table to eat her muffin, cup of tea steeping in front of her, she smiled widely to herself as she remembered her plans to go back to the shop with Fourthgrade. Despite not knowing the group of boys for long, she was feeling like maybe she'd found a solid group of people to stick with here unlike back home where she'd bounce between groups, never really having one consistent group of friends.

Once she was done eating, she checked the clock, 10:10 a.m., and decided to begin getting ready for her day.

11:00 a.m.

Jude sat down in front of her mirror, wet hair against the back of her tank top as she began her makeup, humming along to the cranberries tape playing through the stereo on her book shelf. After about half an hour or so, the teen was content with the finished look, walking over to her dresser so she could rewrap the cuts on her hand from the night before.

Once she finished, she scooped up her backpack and shoved her things for the day inside before deciding to go sit outside at the little picnic table until Fourthgrade came out.

After about 20 minutes of sitting there, the girl let out a small gasp as she felt someone grab her shoulder, pulling her headphones down as she turned her head around quickly.

"Hey!" She grinned as she saw skater standing there, smiling down at her "you scared the shit out of me!" The boy smiled sheepishly, giving her an apologetic shrug.

"Sorry, I didn't know how to get your attention" he gestured to the headset around her neck.

The girl just smiled and stood up, picking up her board that was leaning against the bench beside her "it's okay, my fault for having that shit playing so loud... anyways, you ready to go?" Jude asked, slightly bouncing on the balls of her feet.

The taller boy gave her a little nod, tossing his board down as he started to skate towards the street, Jude quickly following after him.

The pair talked and joked as they rode along, finally getting to the main road that was lined with shop after shop, stopping in front of the skate shop. Fourthgrade pulled open the door, ushering Jude to go in.

"Thanks" she hummed, flashing him a little smile as they headed back towards where the others were sitting.

"Fourthgrade! You brought back the new chick!" Fuckshit chimmed, taking a sip out of the beer in his hand.

"Isn't it a bit early to drink?" The girl laughed, as she sat down with her back against the couch in between Fourthgrade and Rays legs.

"It's like, almost noon, what're you on about" the teen teased, offering her the bottle, which the girl accepted, passing it back after taking a sip.

"Yo, Jude! What happened to your hand?" Ray nodded towards the bandage wrapped around her hand as she brought them back down to her lap.

Forcing a smile, she rolled her eyes a bit "I'm an idiot, I dropped a plate last night and cut myself when I went to pick up the bigger pieces before sweeping"

Ray shook his head "jeez, man. Gotta be careful with that shit" however, he dropped the subject, much to Jude's relief.

The group sat around, talking for a while before Ruben stood, stretching before leaning down to grab his board "y'all wanna go up to the convenient store?" He asked, already starting to slowly walk towards the front door.

There was a chorus of "yah's" amongst the others as they all started to get up from the couches, Jude giggling when fourthgrade hauled her up from the ground, scooping up her board before letting him pull her out of the shop.

11:22 a.m.

The door rang as the teens piled into the store, Jude heading straight for the slushy machine, fourthgrade hot on her tail, his camera focused on her.

As they stopped, she turned to the camera, a grin on her face "lemme make you the best slushy ever" she giggled, grabbing two cups.

"You dont have to get me one, birdie" the boy mumbled a bit with a little smile

"Yeah, but I'm gonna anyways" she stuck her tongue out at him, turning back to the machine "First, you gotta put some of the cherry in the bottom" she held up the cups to show him "and then! You put some of the blue one... I think it's raspberry or something.. and then you fill the rest with the coke flavoured one, aaand..." she finished filling the two cups before looking over to the skater with a grin "voilà!"

"You're a dweeb" he laughed, tucking his camera back into his bag as Jude handed him his cup

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." She tolled her eyes, a smile still on her face "cmon, lemme go pay for these". The two walked towards the counter, listening to the cashier scold fuckshit for skating down one if the aisles, the boy just laughing at the man. Jude made a face at Fuckshit as she pushed him aside lightly, pulling the coin purse out of her backpack.

After handing the man a handful of loose change, the pair left the store, joining the other boys out front.

The group walked back towards the shop, this time with snacks, chatting about possibilities for what they could do for the rest of the day.

"So, Jude. How you liking it around here so far?"

She turned to Ray, pondering for a second. "It's a lot better than Palm Springs" she cracked a smile and shrugged. Things honestly weren't that different here, her home life hadn't changed at all except the fact she was now living in an even smaller apartment but something about this group of boys, maybe one boy in particular, seemed to change the entire place for her.

Hi! Sorry for the slow updates/shorter chapter, I've lacked motivation for anything cos our AC broke and I've been slowly cooking to death for like the past month cos no one wants to fix an AC right now 😔😔😔
- Nik <3

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