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Right now I am currently reading a book and doing a worksheet for 'school' or at least that's what it's called. Chorno comes into my room two times a week with books and papers that I have to complete by the next time we meet but, when I asked my dad what it was called he said that I'm being home schooled because if I went to real school it would be too dangerous.

My dad is really protective of me. He doesn't like anyone to be around me unless he's right by my side, but Chrono teaching me is an acceptation because he really wants me to be smart, he told me to not trust anyone but him and I live by that(^_^he he)

"ok Erity only a chapter left and then you can-"

knock knock knock

"Erity grab your shoes, I could here my dad yell from outside my door, me and you are going out to eat for dinner"

"Ok, I yelled, I'm coming"

I ran to my chest, it holds my clothes and shoes, and I grabbed my black combats boots.I opened the door to see my dad standing there,I'm not as tall as him but I'm only maybe a 3 or 4 inches shorter, he grabbed my hand and we walked through the dark hallways until we reached the front door.I looked around and saw that the sun was setting and the street lights were coming on, we walked down the street to a restaurant sat down and ate, the usual. The entire time I was quiet, I never really talked when I was around other people, I only talk when it's just me and my dad. After we got done we headed back to base when I saw a couple kids walking down the street, they were getting ready to pass us, They looked maybe around my age or older but they were laughing, something I rarely did, I guess my dad caught me staring at them when I heard him say something.

"you can't trust people out here Erity,especially the heroes, they are evil and want to hurt people like me and you. So you can only trust one person and that is?" he looked over at me.

"you father" I answered

he shook his head in a nodding motion but then my father's phone rang, he heavily sighed but answered it anyway,he pulled us over into and alley way and began talking. I leaned against the alley way wall that was opposite of him and watched as people walked by. It was cold and I could see my breath, my dad was finishing up his call when he shoved his phone in his pocket and muttered a curse word. 

"Well, dad began, we have to make a stop at my job before we head home." 

He grabbed my hand and we began to walk, the sun was lowering and it was it most completely dark, I was getting sleepy so my eyes were hard to keep open and my walking was slow. Eventually we reached a tall brick building and entered through the doors. we walked through the halls, they were dark and empty, but at then end of the hallway there was a light coming out of the room we entered and I sat down at the chair, I don't remember what they were talking about, I slowly closed my eyes and fell 

When I woke up I was on my bed and underneath my blankets, I slowly sat up thinking about the  events that took place last night. 

Knock knock knock

I looked up and saw that my dad was slowly opening the door.

"Oh good your awake, dad said while putting a hand on my forehead, You fell asleep while I was talking with my boss and I had to carry you home so, I thought you may have become sick."

I felt my cheeks become red when my dad said he had to carry me. I knew I wasn't sick but I felt bad. "I don't feel sick, I answered quietly, I think I was just rally tired."

"good, now go take a shower and get dressed."

After that he left the room. I looked around the room a little bit and the grabbed my clothes and went to my attached bathroom to brush my teeth and  shower. After I got done I went to eat breakfast and as I was walking back to my room I heard sobs from a room nearby. I walked to the room and tried to open it only to see it was locked. I frowned slightly and tried to open the door again only to get the same out come. 

"Erity what are you doing?"

I frantically turned  around to see mimic looking up at me. "I heard sobbing from inside the room so I came to check it out." I said plainly

"well you must be hearing things so, I wouldn't mind it okay?" 

I just nodded and headed back to my room. I know someone is their or maybe it's a something all I know is I know have a sudden urge to go into that room.

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