High Hopes

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Another homemade collage and this chapter comes with a music video.

Kirishima POV:

I let out a loud groan as I lay my head down on my arms. It was a uncomfortable position seeing that I am a 6'1 male laying my head down on a 3'6 counter top but I wanted to make a point that I was pouting.

"Aww poor Kiri! Should Mama Mina give you a hug?" My pink haired friend asked as she patted my head.

With speaking I nodded my head that was still buried in my crossed arms. She lifted me up then hugged me as I threw all of my weight onto my shorter friends shoulders.

"OMG! Kiri get off of me!!!" The moment of kindness was short lived as she shoves me off of her and bolted to my other friend panting.

"B-But Minaaa!" I cried, drawing out the 'a' at the end.

"Kami did you see what he did to me! He tried to kill me!" She shouted at our friend, ignoring me, as Kaminari burst into laughter.

I stuck out my bottom lip as I pouted again only for the chime of bells and a gust of wind signal that we had a costumer. Seeing that my friends were still being dramatic I turned around and threw on my famous grin. I was greated with a similar grin from a short boy around my age with green hair and freckles.

"Hello, what can I do for you today?" I asked the boy.

"Hi! I would like an Iced Coffee and..." he trailed off as he turned behind him to look at his friends.

"I would like the IcyHot Expresso." Said the monotone man with strange hair and an even stranger scar on his eye.

"I would like the Ingenium Tea please." A guy with an uptight expression asked as he fixed his glasses so they were siting properly on his nose.

The girl hanging off of his arm smiled brightly making her already pink cheeks a darker shade. "I would like the Boba Tea Float please!"

"And Kachan said he wanted black coffee but he likes it when it has a caramel drizzle, although he would never admit that." The green headed boy said finishing off the conversation where it started.

I smiled as I quickly typed up the rest. "What name should that go under?" The green haired boy opened his mouth only to be cut off my the guy with a scar.

"I got it Cutie." The freckled boys face lit up bright red. "Under Todoroki." He passed me his card. I tried not to show shock that he was a Todoroki. As in related to the famous business man Enji Todoroki. I swiped the card and passed him the receipt. I went to work on two of the drinks as Mina and Kaminari tackled the other three.

"Todoroki! You need to be more careful about using pet names in public!" The uptight man whisper scolded.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself when he's being so cute." Todoroki whispers back.

I heard a loud sigh before the green boy started whispering. "They are right Shoto. You know what just happened to Kachan."

"Aww! It's true but I love when you guys show each other affection because you do it so rarely in front of us." The girl with brown hair complained a little loud.

I cut off there conversation and passed them there cups with a smile. "Here you go!" Part of me wanted to tell them not to worry since I was in the LGBTQ+ community myself but I ended up deciding not to since they were clearly trying to keep there relationship a secret.

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