Not Really Strangers

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Bakugou POV:

You would think that after two hours they would realize that my hearing aids are off but nope, they don't. Well that's not entirely true, Deku and Round Cheeks keep glancing at me, each other then there boyfriends trying to decide if they would break it to them that I don't care what there saying.

Another car drives by as I glance out the window only for it to park and after a couple seconds a group of about five people climb out of it. I watch as one of them throws on there hood heading in the direction of the bar. Then it hits me, These are the assholes that trashed my windows.

I stand up with my new found rage and storm over to the door. I turn on my hearing aids so when I started yelling at them I could understand myself speak. Of course doing so I could here Mr. Do No Wrong yelling at me to come back.

I throw open the door and I watch as the group comes to a halt in shock.

"Do you asshats enjoy tearing people down?! What? You decided that you didn't do a good enough job the first time you trashed my windows and came back to try again?! Speaking of which, one of you fuckers better pay up for my broken window right now before I beat you up so badly that you wished that I would have killed you!"

The group looks at me in fear. I watch as Eye Bags steps in front of Off Brand Pikachu (literally that guy dyed his hair so he has a black lightning streak in it) and Pink Shit reaches for Black Shit's hand leaving the read head, who has his hair styled up in a really shitty way, standing all by himself. Of course he was the first one to recover.

Instead of seeming intimidated like the rest he started acting like a little child and pouted. "Wait, someone trashed the bar? That isn't manly. I'm sorry bro but I promise no of us did that."

"Like I fucking believe that!" I shout back in fury causing my hearing aids to give me a little feedback.

"Honestly man! It wouldn't make sense for us to do that since we have been come to this bar for what," he glances at Pinky for help totally not noticing that she is frozen in fear, "four years? So I promise we had nothing to do with someone trashing your bar."

I open my mouth to call him out for lying again only to feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to Pink Cheeks.

"Bakugou calm down."

"Calm down? Calm down! These bitches-"

"Kachan! I'm sure they didn't do anything!" He gestures at the group before his eyes widen. "Wait, were you the guy who served us our coffee?"

The red heads eyes widen before speaking, "I think so, order for Todoroki?" He glances between Broccoli Boy And Daddy Issues.

"Yeah! That's us! See Kachan, they couldn't have done that since I saw that the coffee shop doesn't close until 8:15." I roll my eyes before turning around to go back inside.

"So does that mean we aren't going to the bar?"

"Come on Kaminari. We cannot go inside, he probably had a bad day and I bet the bar won't be open till the windows fixed. Lets just go home."

"You're too nice Kiri."

For some idiotic reason I turned around and called out to the group now retreating to there car. "Wait, where do you think your going?"

The all stop and become tense. Shitty Hair turns around, "I told you that we didn't-"

"Shut up, I'm not talking about that anymore. You idiots said that you have come here every Friday for four years and your just gonna break your streak like that?"

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