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Kirishima POV

"And here comes the famous couple down the red carpet now! Red Riot! Do you have a second to spare for a few questions?"

I turn my attention to the interviewer. I smile brightly and tug over my boyfriend with me.

"Really Red? Again?" I hear Katsuki whisper to me but I ignore him.

"Hello!" I say in a singsong voice. The interviewer smiles and moves the microphone so it's in front of my face.

"Many people are wondering what it was like when you first came out as Gay and Trans?"

Katsuki scoffs. "What the hell do you think it's like? We live in a world where he gets just as much hate mail as fan mail just because of his sexuality and perfected pronouns."

I shake my head lightly. "Kat, play nice. He is right though. I do get a lot of hate mail because of things I can't control but that wasn't really your question." I chuckle awkwardly. "It was scary. Kat got his bar trashed when he was forced to come out and he never even told anyone if the information was true or not until he officially changed his bars name to 'I- Wait. Am I allowed to curse? I don't want to curse and kids to be watching."

Katsuki rolls his eyes.

"You are allowed to curse." The reporter clarifies.

I smile. "Okay, thank you. When he changed his bars name to 'I Fuck Guys'. So it was really scary but I knew it was something I had to do."

"In one of your performances, there is a video of you taking off your shirt and then sticking up your middle finger at your producers. Why did you do that?"

I groan embarrassed that had to be brought up. "I was totally tipsy in my defense and had been hanging out with Katsuki a lot."

"Don't fucking use me as an excuse." He scowls and I chuckle.

"Anyways, a lot of singers started a trend where they trow there shirt into the audience but when I suggested doing that to my old producers they said that they didn't want to show off my scars to kids and promote being trans." The lady hisses in air through her teeth. "Exactly. So I did it anyways then promptly fired them later that night."

She nods her head. "One last question, do you two plan on marrying each other?"

My face burns red at her bluntness. "Well, if they make it legal in Japan, hell yeah!" I say wrapping my arms around a very flustered Katsuki.

"Get off me idiot and stop saying sappy stuff!" I roll my eyes and hug him tighter slightly forgetting that we are in public.

"Aww, but you love when I hug you!" He rolls his eyes.

The interviewer clears her throat and I quickly unattached my self from my boyfriend. "Anyways! We need to head in now before they announce the awards without us."

We walk into the huge ball room and I can't help for my jaw to drop. "Katsuki! It's so big!" I whisper to him in excitement.

He rolls his eyes at me and we make our way to our seats.

"Kiri!" Mina shouts and rushes to me. I quickly pull her into a hug with a smile before pushing her away so I can hug all my other friends.

"Oh my god guys! I have missed you all so much!" I say as I finish hugging Uraraka.

Mydoriya smiles brightly. "We have missed you too! It's weird having you and Katchan be away for your tour."

I nod my head in agreement. "Although it was fun I'm so happy it's over."

We continue our small talk and sit down. Every now and again Katsuki will throw in something but he mostly stays silent. Finally a guy walks on to stage and everyone quiets down.

"Welcome to the Emmy awards for singers!" (Btw I have never watched any red carpet stuff or the Emmy awards even once. I'm making this up as I go)

There is a round of clapping before he explains everything that will happen for the night and goes into the awards. Most singer he say I know about and make sure to clap for every single one. Finally he calls out the name of the award I was nominated for.

"And now for the winner of the Award for 'Being True To Ones Self' is..."

I feel Katsuki give my hand a little squeeze. I look over at him and he smiles.

'I love you and even if you don't get the fucking award you deserve it.' He mouths to me.

I smile back at him.

"Ejirou Kirishima also know as Red Riot."

'I love you.' I mouth right back.

Short but I can't really write a 2000 word long epilogue. I'm not that talented, I'm sorry.

In honesty I didn't really like how this turned out. I planed to make it longer and have a better plot but since I pushed myself and made the chapters so long I didn't end up doing that.

Anyway check out my interactive book called:

Random DM

It's going to be Kiribaku too but hopeful better then this. Check out my Shinkami books I have like a thousand of those.

Till Next Time

Just as Manly { K I R I B A K U }Where stories live. Discover now