Not So Perfect

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I was lazy and didn't do a collage. Not my work just changed the background. Also check out the YouTube video.

Warning: Kirishima talks about cutting when he was younger and attempting suicide. It's not graphic (like at all) but I wanted to warn since I didn't put any warnings for suicidal stuff.

Kirishima POV

I wake up with a killer headache and a dry throat. I sit up and a wave of nausea goes through me. I groan and fully stand up. Making my way to the bathroom I check the time on my phone.

9:34 shit.

I open up one of the drawers in my bathroom and pull out the Advil. After dropping two pills on to my palm I take it dry and remember that my throat is still very dry.

I make my way to the small kitchen in my house and walk over to the cabinets. I pull out a cup and go to open the fridge only to notice that a note is on the door.

Shinso made you pancakes because I told him that they are your favorite hangover cure. Also text me when you wake up because I want to talk to my bestie.
Love, Mina


I smile at my friends note and abandon the cup as I pull out the pancakes from the fridge. I pop them in the microwave for a couple seconds then pull them out. I sit down at the table and text Mina.

Mama Mina 💋
I'm awake

My phone starts ringing and I almost throw it across the room. Almost.

"Hey Mina." I say as her face pops up on the FaceTime.


My hands shoot to my ears as my head starts to throb. "Mina! Headache!"

She simply shrugs. "Right."

I look back to my phone that's now face up on the table to see Mina, of course, Sero, because they live together, and Kaminari. Since Kami is there there's a fifty/fifty chance Shinso is as well.

"Thanks Shinso for the pancakes."

"No problem." His voice comes from off screen.

"Hey! You didn't thank me for telling him to make them!" I roll my eyes.

"I was planing on it until you shouted."



She goes to speak only to be cut off by a knock at my door. We both frown.

"Were you expecting anyone?" I shake my head no before hearing another knock at the door. I groan.

"I'll call you back in a bit. Let me deal with this." I give a cage gesture and she nods her head. After giving a quick bye we hang up and there's another knock at the door.

Oh my god, I'm coming.

I stand up and make my way to the door and open it with one swift motion.

My jaw drops.

In front of me stands my father and mother, both of which I haven't seen in four years.

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