Falling For Ya

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The last chapter UwU

Check out the song! Art isn't mine, the website I was using said, "Pay me money to keep using" and I was like "Ha Ha Nope." Because ya girl is poor. Anyways onto the last chapter ->

Bakugou POV:

The cool autumn air whips my hair in and out of my face and I just groan. Stupid weather. Stupid cold. Stupid breeze.

I take a right only shortening the distance between myself and 'Fuck You Too'. God I love that name. The window was fixed yesterday and as much as I didn't want to, I was opening the bar back up today. I needed the money due to the fact that I was about to have to pay some bills soon. Also it's not like there is really any-fucking-thing for me to do in the meantime.

Well... I have been hanging out with Red. We would take walks around the park mostly or go to my place, never his because I would kill his parents if we did. And it turns out that those assholes really did throw away all his stuff but luckily he was able to get it all seconds before the extras who take his trash came.

We also have been texting a lot. It became a kind of routine for the two of us to stay up for hours at night making us both tired the next morning. He always starts the bloody conversation the same fucking way though and it's annoying. 'Have you taken off your binder?' I know it's out of kindness but I'm not an idiot and I know better then to fall asleep with it on unless I want to have some bitchy ass scars.

I take left this time and my bar comes into sight. That's not the only thing in sight though, those cheep assholes who work at LOV (Living Out Vengeance), another bar near by, are standing in front protesting. It's kinda ironic because they always try to steal my original recipes and now they are telling people to steer clear of my bar.

"A faggot works here! I repeat, a faggot!" I try not to roll my eyes at the idiotic Shigaraki.

I know that LOV isn't homophobic or transphobic but it works with the story. Please don't comment stuff about how they aren't because I already know that. —)

"Look there he is! It's true, he's here!" That weird asshole 'Twice' shouts."

I tsk before talking, "Strew off. I have work to do."

Of course they don't.

"You should have joined us when you had the chance, now no one will come to your bar, 'I Fuck Guys'." My face scrunches up in confusion.

"The name is right in front of your face bitch, how did you get it wrong?" But when I look over at the sign my breathing becomes shallow.

Sure enough my sign was vandalized. Not just painted over but letters knocked down and everything. A plaque of wood in shape of an 'I' was hammered into place before the word 'Fuck'. The letters 'Y', 'O', 'T', and the last two 'O's' were all ripped off and dangling dangerously low from the wall and more plaques are nailed into place to make it look like the word 'Guys'.

Anger bubbles inside of me and I spin on my heels. "YOU ASSHATS! YOU DID THIS DIDN'T YOU!" I shout at the leaders of LOV while shoving a finger into his chest.

An evil smirk plays across his lips. "What are you talking about? I thought that was what your bar was always called."

Before I have the chance to go off on him again my phone starts ringing. Normally I wouldn't pay any attention to it at all but the ringtone is Red's and I have to make sure he's not in danger or anything, especially with his parents at his house. I pick up the phone and just storm into my bar, slamming the door shut on my way in.

"Hey Bakugou! How are you? I heard from Mydoria that the bar is opening up today. I can't wait to stop by!"

I walked to the staff work room so I wouldn't hear the stupid chants from those sons of bitches.

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