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As the morning sun shines through the curtains of her apartment, Ava remains in bed, barely having moved from it for the last few days. She holds Lexa's pillow and inhales the little smell of her wife that's left on the material as the tears continue to fall down her face.

She tries to cover herself up and drown away the day, but nothing works and as she hears her phone ringing non-stop she rolls over and looks at the call display before answering it.

"Hey, Mom."

"Ava, why haven't you been answering my calls?"

"Haven't felt like talking."

"I guess, I get that; how are you feeling?"

"I don't even know anymore, I'm just numb."

"Have you spoken with Lexa since your fight?"

"No, she packed a bag and headed back to Utah as soon as she could."

Kelley O'Hara feels her heartbreaking in two and the tears start to roll down her face as she talks with her daughter following her miscarriage.

"You and Lexa love each other, I'm sure that she just needed space to process everything."


"Do you want me to come to California?"

"No. It's not like you can do anything to bring her back."

"Her? It was a girl?"

"Yeah. What am I gonna do Mom? I lost my wife and daughter all in the same day."

"You haven't lost your wife; you and Lexa love each other and you will find your way back to each other as Hope and I did. Now, I'm booking a ticket and regardless of whether you want me to or not I'm coming to stay with you, you shouldn't be alone right now; I know from my own experience just how painful losing a child can be. I love you, Ava and I'll see you soon."

"Thanks, Mom, love you, too."

Ava lays back down on her bed and stares at the ceiling, overcome with emotions once more as thoughts of the last several days replay in her head.

Laying in a hospital bed, surrounded by strangers and the doctor confirming her worst fear, that she had lost their little girl right before her wife walks into the room.

"I'm so sorry, Lex, she's gone."

"Come back, Lex, please; I need you. I love you."

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