Chapter Three - The Plan

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"So, let me get this straight." Turtle said incredulously. "We're going to- steal Winter's spine brace?"
"Yeah." Moon said. "That's exactly what we're going to do."
"But shouldn't you care about him? I mean, wouldn't you not want his spines to be wonky?" Turtle argued. "Besides, how are you going to get it off him?!"
Qibli shrugged. "We'll figure something out."
Turtle massaged his temples anxiously. "You'll figure something out? How about I enchant him to spill the beans?"
"No, that's just mean and not dragonlike at all." Qibli replied. "Plus, I wouldn't want you to lose your soul over this."
"And stealing isn't mean and not dragonlike?!" Turtle asked incredulously. "Guys, you need to think this through."
"Don't worry, we will." Moon assured him. "Everything will turn out just fine."
Turtle doubted that.

Winter sat alone. He was seriously starting to regret not befriending anyone at Jade Mountain, mostly the dragonets in his winglet, but he didn't want to get close to the NightWing. He made a face before grabbing his History scrolls and heading over to the history cave. He groaned remembering Webs, his History teacher. Might as well get it done and over with, he thought tiredly.

"Alright, class," Webs announced. "This is our third History class this year, and I hope you dragonets have gotten used to my teaching methods." He paused for a moment, before continuing. "Today we will be learning about the Myth of Darkstalker. Flip to page 16 of Animii Through the Ages, which is part of the chapter Turned Animii."
Winter glared at his enormous scroll and turned to the right page. Darkstalker. The constant reminder of Prince Arctic's treachery.
"Now, class," Webs began, reading his copy of the scroll. "The story is that Darkstalker was the offspring of Prince Arctic of the IceWings and Foeslayer of the NightWings. He had a girlfriend named Clearsight and a friend named Fathom. He used his animus magic, unaware of the curse that came with his powers, then lost his soul and turned insane, enchanting his father to disembowel himself. Clearsight and Fathom realised that Darkstalker was dangerous, and Fathom, who was also an animus, but a more responsible one, enchanted a bracelet with a sleeping enchantment. Clearsight put it on Darkstalker's wrist and buried him under Jade Mountain. How Clearsight managed to do that is unknown." When Webs finished, Winter caught Turtle shifting around on his spot uncomfortably. Winter narrowed his eyes at him, and a voice in his mind whispered, Fathom.
Fathom. Traitor.

Once History class finished, Winter scrambled out of the cave and to the Jade Winglet cave. He needed some rest. The voices in his head must've been hallucinations. He must've been too tired. Even so, Winter's gut told him that he was just trying to trick himself. The cold, empty, wrongness of the voice had been too vivid to have been his imagination. Still, Winter squeezed his eyes shut and forced himself to drift into a dreamless sleep.

Qibli walked into the Jade Winglet cave. When he entered, there were no dragons inside the cave except for a loudly snoring Winter. He couldn't help but snort, and Winter muttered in his sleep - drowsily, but still the sharp, icy tone of voice that Winter possessed - "What are you laughing at, SandWing?"
"Nothing," Qibli said quickly and quietly, feeling the blood rush to his face. He shut his mouth before he could say anything stupid.
He examined Winter's black skyfire spine brace for a few more seconds. In the warm light that lit up the small cave, it glinted like onyx, gleaming with the fiery lustre of gold and bronze and copper. Suddenly, Winter's eyes snapped open, and he glared daggers at Qibli before leaping off his bunk and hissing in Qibli's face. "What are you staring at, you inferior little SandWing?" He snapped, his voice dangerously quiet, clearly self-conscious about his crooked spines. "Why don't you go stare at that pathetic SeaWing instead?" Qibli ignored Winter's words. All he could think about was how close Winter's snout was to his, and how he could feel Winter's icy breath colliding with his warm SandWing scales. He could barely breathe. I think I'm about to die, he thought giddily.

Moon had been talking to Umber, Clay's interesting younger brother, before an idea hit her.
"I'll be right back, Umber," She said suddenly.
"Uh, sure!" Umber replied, unsure of what to say.
She dashed off, weaving through the wide stone cave tunnels, heading towards the Jade Winglet cave, where she thought Qibli would be. She had an idea for her friend, an idea of how to see Winter's thoughts. She barrelled into the cave and skidded to a stop, her claws scraping roughly against the stone cave floor. "Qibli," she panted, out of breath. "I-" She stopped abruptly when she saw Winter on top of Qibli, their snouts millimetres away from each other. They seemed to be... making out?!
"Moon, this isn't what it looks like-" Qibli stammered, blushing red as a SkyWing.
"Curious that your mind would immediately drift to that thought, SandWing," Winter snarled, slightly amused. "Be more careful in the future, and don't stare at me creepily, or I might just tear you to shreds." The IceWing climbed back into his bunk.
"What was that?" Moon asked. "Was that what I thought it was?"
"No, no." Qibli said quickly. His snout was still red.
"Don't worry, Qibli," Moon laughed, before whispering into his ear. "I know your little secret."
"Yes I know, but it really wasn't!" Qibli whispered back. "I kind of wish it was, though." He admitted.
"But back to what I came here for." Moon said excitedly. "Winter takes off his spine brace when he sleeps at night!"
"Yes, but he won't think about me at night-" Qibli started.
Moon showed Qibli a gleaming jewel that dangled from her claws.
"B- but that's-" Qibli stuttered.
"I know," Moon said. "He will think about you. With a dreamvisitor, he will."

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