Nice to meet you, Partner {2}

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"Thanks for this" I said to Gabby and Brett as they sped me off to the 21st district.

After 5 minutes we arrived at the district at 7:50. Ten minutes until my first shift started. I waved goodbye to Dawson and Brett as I fixed my hair and got ready to walk into the district.

"Good Luck in their kiddo, here's our numbers in case you need to call either one of us" Dawson said as she handed me a piece of paper

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"Good Luck in their kiddo, here's our numbers in case you need to call either one of us" Dawson said as she handed me a piece of paper.

"You're going to be an amazing police officer!" Brett shouted at me, with a beaming smile.

" Thanks you two, you're the best. Bye" I said as they got their seatbelts back on and started to drive away.


I walked up to the front desk, and waited patiently for the person to ask me who I was.

" What's your name?" The replied

"Evelyn Cooper, the new patrolman"
I said back, trying to sound professional and dignified

"Oh, Welcome to the 21st district. I'm Sergeant Trudy Platt. Who's your partner, give me a second." She flicked through a book and then turned around the corner "Burgess, you're up"

A brunette came rushing out from a room behind the desk.
"Yes Sarge!" She replied as she came walking up to me.

"Officer Burgess, this is Officer Cooper, Officer Cooper, this is Officer Burgess. Got it?" Platt asked

"Yeah, it's nice to meet you" I said as I shook her hand.

"Okay, you guys are up" Sergeant said interrupting our introductions. "Drive around these streets" She said as she handed Burgess, the keys, a piece of paper like a map of the streets, and two radios. "Stay Safe" She shouted behind us as we walked out.


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