The Search Begins {5}

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As the members of Intelligence arrived I briefed them on our mission, finding the officers before it was too late.

"Who's missing Sarge?" Halstead asked

"Burgess and the new cop, Cooper" I replied

"Burgess is missing?" Ruzek yelled as he ran up the stairs.

"Yes Adam, she is. And from the radio call we got it doesn't sound good" I said back, hiding the fear from my voice. Two members of our family are missing, one of which is engaged to a guy in my unit, so we got to find them.


"Here Guys, gather round. This is the distress signal they called in" Voight called out to the team.

The team listened in silence to the terrifying call. As soon as it was over, Adam was paving the room saying "No no no no no, this is not good"

Alvin went to comfort Adam. Alvin was like a dad to all of them.

Erin rushed in "Sarge, we got the whereabouts from Headquarters and pinged Burgess radio. It leads to here" She said passing Hank a map.

"Okay, go get ready. Everyone except Alvin and Adam. You two go to 51, alert Brian Zvonecek, Cooper is his girlfriend. Adam you can't be in this case, your too close to it.

"All right, let's roll out" Voight said as everyone except Ruzek and Al left in their gear.

"Let's go" Said Al as he dragged Ruzek away



"Come on Evelyn, Stay with me partner" I said as I started CPR.

I can't lose her now, I've only known her for a half shift, but I think we could best friends. Another female cop who understands me would be great. I had to save her, they would come for us soon. Surely?


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