The Annoucement {10}

810 11 5

"Hey babe, how are you doing?"
Brian asked as he walked in to my hospital room.

"We need to talk" I replied

His face turned serious.

"Of course, what is it?"

"I'm pregnant Brian."

"What? That's great!"

"Really? You want to keep the baby?"

"Of course! Are you kidding? I've always wanted to be a dad!"

"Let's do this then"


8 months later
(8 months pregnant)

I had officially been put on desk duty. Actually, I had got sent to the control centre tower, where I would answer the 911 calls. At this point, I was the size of an exercise ball. Grace was 7 months along, and just as excited as I was. She was having a baby boy.

A few weeks ago we had found out that I was having a girl, and we had picked out a name already.

I was so excited for this new adventure.


1 month later
(9 months pregnant)

I was so bored in the call tower. It was a snowy day and almost all the roads were closed. There was also a storm brewing.

The baby was due any time now and just wanted to hold my baby in my arms.

I was getting hungry and annoyed in the call tower, so I took my break and got on one of the very little buses running to the Firehouse.

Brian rushed over to me as I got there.

"I'm fine, I'm just here because I was so bored answering those 911 calls. I've been having Braxton Hicks all day though"

Just at that moment, Squad 3, and Ambo 61 walked in.

"Wow girl, you look like your about to pop!" Sylvie commented.

I made my way around the counter and started eating a cracker.

"Haha, yea.."

Before I could say anything, I felt a liquid trickle down my leg.

My water had broke.

"I was ready to pop! I popped. My water just broke!"

Gabby and Brett rushed over to me and Brian was obviously panicking.

"There's no way we can drive to the hospital in this weather."
Gabby replied.

"Okay, Otis and Cruz grab as many towels as you can. Stella, go get the OB/GYN kit from the ambo. Evelyn, come with us"
Sylvie shouted as everyone rushed off in different directions.

I was supported by Sylvie and Gabby towards the bathroom. They sat me down as Brian came running in with the towels. They spread them out on the floor, and then laid me on top of them.

Brian waited outside as they checked how dilated I was.

"Evelyn, your 6 metres dilated. How the hell did you get here without knowing, normally you would feel it. Anyway, those pains weren't Braxton Hicks, they were labour pains"

40 minutes later

"One more push! There we go!"
Gabby shouted as newborn crying filled the room. Sylvie took the baby and cleaned it and then handed it to me. All of sudden, I felt a rush of pain down there. I yelped, and Stella took the baby whilst Gabby had a look.

"Evelyn, did you know you were having twins?"

"What? No!"

"Well the next ones coming, you need to push."

I pushed as hard as I could as I welcomed my other baby into the world.

"Their both girls"

I cried in happiness as Brian came in and we held our baby girls in our arms.

This was the start of our family.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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