Time Heals Everything {9}

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"So how have you been?" She asked. I stared at the girl I hadn't seen in 8 years, as if she had forgotten all that happened.

"Could be better, you?" I croaked out. She could see the reluctancy I had to talk to her.

"Look I know I have been a shit sister over the years, and I'm so sorry for running away. But I promise to be a better sister, and I'm back now. Also, I have a reason why I came back. Can I yell you a secret?"

I acknowledged what she had said, then nodded.

"I'm pregnant" My sister replied.

"I'm pregnant too" I blurted out.

We stood there in shock as we realised we were only a few weeks apart. However I was 3 weeks along, and she was 1 1/2.

I hadn't know I was pregnant, until Doctor Manning told me when I had to get a checkup before starting my patrol job. I knew that we needed to check that the baby was ok, so I got Grace to get Dr Manning to bring the portable ultrasound.

She did both me and Grace and we had healthy, growing foetuses.

She did both me and Grace and we had healthy, growing foetuses

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We both stared at the photos printed off

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We both stared at the photos printed off. Those were our babies. My mind started racing to how I was going to tell Brian.

Grace snapped me out of my trance by hugging me and telling she was heading back to her hotel.

"Oh, and Grace?" I stopped her before she left.

"Yeah?" She said turning around.

"I missed you sis" I replied.

"I missed you too"


Sorry it's short but I have so many stories to update however I don't want to keep you waiting!


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