This is just something to get attention.

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Your POV:
You wake up to hear kageyama screaming at hinata and akaashi being annoyed by bokuto. So you took a (fave hitting tool, in my case a book) and almost smashed both kageyama's and bokuto's heads. Hinata just looked like a princess whose prince just came and love at first sight. Akaashi on the other hand just thanked you.

Time skip brought to you by my sleepiness and ohshc.

After you woke up to screaming you soon want to fall back asleep because you found out that nishinoya used the toilet paper to turn asahi into a damn mommy but the thing was after what nishinoya did asahi bought all of the new toilet paper, which you refused to use unless all guys goes and buys the groceries for the rest of the month. Suddenly you heard someone say "(y/n)-chan" you looked back to see oikawa. "Oh hey shittykawa you wanna help the guys out with the groceries?" You say with an irritated smile.
"Uhh nevermind... Have a good day (y/n)-chan."
"Cya." Then suddenly you see Iwazumi look down at you laughing as hard as he can while you stand there laughing at him.

A/N: so this ain't anything just a laugh but please comment your request.
REQUEST for gods sakes I really need you readers.

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