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Jiyong is leaving and Haru can't stop crying "dad will be back ok don't cry"he said to Haru "I want to come with you dad pls take me with you"she said "Haru stop crying dad will be back ok"I said to her "what if he doesn't come back?"she said and cry as loud as she can "take me with you dad pls"she's begging Jiyong to take her and the look at Jiyong's face is like a father that don't want to leave his child.

Jiyong take me to the room "can she come with me?"he ask "no! She's my child Jiyong I can't let her travel with you alone"I said to him "then come with us and leave Haru with me"he said "are you insane?leaving my daughter to you in Seoul?I can't she will stop crying eventually"I said to him. And he just talk to Haru to stop crying I think his crying too "mom let me be with dad i will be a good girl promise"she said while sobbing "baby I can't pls ,you stay with me"I said to her she's a good girl I know but Jiyong is busy too I don't know if he can handle Haru while working "mom pls!!!"she said "I will buy you two your tickets"Jiyong said to us and Haru stops crying and wipe her tears "really dad?"she said "no! Jiyong"I said "we will stay at my parents house if your bothered she's staying with me alone"he said "it's just 2 shows for Jin you will take just 5 days"he added now it's 2 out of 3 father and daughter tandem Haru is begging me saying all nice things for me to agree on it "fine fine"and the two just hug me and kiss me.

We went to our flight and landed in Seoul and went straight to Jiyong's parent I will meet his parent Haru went towards to Jiyong's mom and his mom was so excited as Haru was and I greeted both of them "are you staying her sweetheart?"her mom ask Haru "yes grandma mom let me stay with dad"she said and we went to the garden to have some tea and Dami arrived "oh Haru yah your here"and Haru runs towards her and hug her "I'm staying here for 5 days auntie Dami"she said to Dami while she carry her back to us "that's nice you sleep with me ok"Dami said and I greet her "we will start working by the end of next month D"Dami said to me "I can't wait"I said to her and Haru just taking photos of us and Jiyong mom,Dami and me went to the kitchen "I'm so sorry if Haru bothered Jiyong and all of you I'm really sorry"I said to them and they both laugh at me and Dami hold my hand "don't be sorry Haru is just a kid even though she's not really Jiyong's daughter we love her"she said oh unnie your so sweet "this lady don't want to give us a grandchild"her mom is talking about her not getting married and having kids "mom! Don't point fingers"she said to her mom "don't worry about Haru she's in good hands"her mom said to me.

And then I talk to Haru to behave herself and be a good girl to Jiyong's family oh I can't leave her with them but what can I do they loved her Jiyong drive me to the airport and then someone calls him "your here?"he said to the other line "ok I see you later we need to talk"he said and I ask him "it's Kiko"he said if I'm not mistaken she's his girlfriend and she's a model too that based in Japan,but what about Haru "you really like models?are you two?"I ask him "we're not! we ended our relationship months ago"he said to me so why are you seeing her? "I will take good care of Haru don't worry"he said. I went to my flight and landed in japan with a heavy heart I call Haru the moment I landed "Haru yah mommy is in japan now how are you?"I ask her thank god she knows how to us her phone "we're eating out mom"she said "ok call me when you get back,where's your dad?"I ask her "he said he will talk to a friend and meet us at the restaurant"and she say goodbye.

I meet Yoon and Verbal for dinner "where's Haru?"Yoon ask Haru's Godmother that really loved her "his with Jiyong's family back in Seoul"and they both look at me "did he know?"Verbal said "No but he suspect that his Haru's father"I said to him "just tell him D" Yoon said "and what? Taking Haru away from me?"I said to them "he needs to know, he will not take Haru away from you"Verbal said to me "Haru knows Jiyong is her dad why hide it to jiyong"he added "and then what?christmas for him and new year for me? Haru is my daughter she's mine"I said to them "but you leave her to them just now"and then I shut my mouth they have a point there.

Back in Seoul...

I went to meet my bodyguard jaeho shi and he handed me this envelope and when I open it,it's our DNA result and the result is 99% Haru's my daughter she's mine I'm so happy right now. I did meet them in the restaurant and I bring a cake for Haru and when I sat down I give the envelope to my dad and his shock and happy even Dami and mom almost cry and hug Haru "why is grandma crying?"she ask "nothing sweetie grandma is happy"she said to Haru "why did she keep it from us?"Dami ask me "let's talk when we get back at the house"dad said. We went home and we talk about the situation we need to call D but dad said wait until she comes back why did she lie to me? I told my parents that I will bring Haru home and be back tomorrow morning. We went home and Haru is sleepy we went inside the house and she shouted "dad there's a naked woman in your couch"I'm shock and I put my hands on her eyes the hell is this and Kiko cover her body and got shock when she sees Haru I put Haru inside the room and grab Kiko "what are you doing here?"I said to her "I miss you honey,don't you miss me?"she said and walk towards the door "dad did you take the trash out?"Haru shouted from the room "who is that?did she just call me trash?Kiko ask me "none of your business, we're done don't comeback!"I said to her and closed the door.

Haru went outside the room and ask me who she is "just a friend baby"I said to her I put Haru to bed and just look at her I did have a daughter.


Jin's asking about Haru and why did I leave her with him "you know Haru she always gets what she wants"I said to him "are you going back to LA with me after the concert?"he ask me "my parents are coming here,I think I stay"I said to him and make this puppy eyes and I embrace his arms "oh my Jinjin"I said it's my pet name for him I'm the only one who called him that "when was the last time I heard that"he said and kiss my forehead.


The next morning Haru called D "hi mom" "hi honey how are you?"she said while she's on speakerphone "there's a naked woman in dad's house last night"Haru said and I put my hand on her mouth "what?what did you say Haru?"she's shouting I turn of the speakerphone and talk to her "did she say there's a naked woman in your house?talk Jiyong! Or I will fly back there"damn she give me shivers too "it's just a misunderstanding"I said "my daughter saw a naked woman in your house and why are you there anyways?you should be at your parents house"she said back "we're going we're going"I said "we need to talk when you get back it's important"I said and ended the call and we went to my parents house and Haru told my parents too about Kiko and Dami's blood went to her face "you should take care of this Ji make sure it will never happen again or you will not see Haru anymore"she said I need to make things clear to Kiko I ended our relationship but for her we're lovers yah I always call her if I need to release but I don't feel anything for her not like what I feel for D.


It's been a good night for Jin's concert one concert away and I will see Haru again I call her every now and then to check up on things. "I will come with you to Seoul"Jin said to me and I'm shock "why?you should rest"I said to him while we eat "I miss Haru"he said and smiled at me don't complicate things Jin pls...
And we went to his hotel and we're in the balcony when he suddenly give this box to me "what's this?"I ask him "we've been together for almost 10yrs D and you know how much I love you and Haru"he said "Jin?"I said "I'm not proposing D don't flatter yourself it's just a thank you gift" and I laugh and hug him "you... I love you and I'm always be here for you even if you have a wife and children"I said to him "you've been a good dad to Haru and treat her as your own but her dad is with her now"I said to him and I saw his sad eyes "I know how Haru wants to meet her dad and I'm happy for her,so you should tell the poor guy"he said.

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