You Will Be Found

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Hey guys,
Just a warning this chapter has themes of sexual assault. If this is triggering in anyway for you, my dms are always open, and I'll be happy to summarise the chapter if you wish to not read it💜

- Coco xx

My eyes were stinging as I came into consciousness. That's when I felt the arms around me. Panic surged through my body and I felt terror ripple through my chest. My eyes snapped opening and I felt myself tighten as I went completely rigid. The memories from last night flooded my head and clouded my eyes. I needed to get away. Whoever was holding me started to stir and mumbled something. I kicked their legs and tried to push myself away from their chest that was pressed against my back. I scratched at the arms that were around me and panicked as my throat felt like it was closing. The perpetrators' eyes sprung open and he took one look at my face and he paled.

"Krys, what's wrong? Are you okay? Talk to me." As soon as I heard his voice, I immediately collapsed on to the floor in tears. Alex got up and sat down next to me pulling me into his chest as the tears found themselves on my cheeks again. My breathing slowly brought itself back into a regular pattern and the tears stopped pouring from my eyes. I felt as though I hadn't slept in a week and I could only assume I looked as good. My head was resting on Alex's chest as the sound of his breathing brought my heart rate down.

"Alex, there's something I want to tell you," I said looking up at him. He nodded and held me close to him. "You remember when we first met and I told you about my ex that hit me?" I could see Alex visibly tense and the last couple of words, regardless he nodded "Two months after we split, I came home from seeing a friend one night and the door was already wide open. I was tipsy and didn't think much of it. I walked inside and put my stuff on the counter and heard a crash come from my room. I walked up and opened my door and found my ex-boyfriend, Matthew, smashing, and throwing my stuff all around the room."

My voice started to crack and Alex planted a kiss on my head and stroked my arm. "He ran at me a grabbed my throat holding me against the wall. He was crazy, he kept on screaming in my face and started to tear my clothes off"

I felt Alex tense even more than he already was in the anticipation of what I was about to say next "I'm lucky in the respect that I was either unconscious or my mind chose to forget what happened. I know that's awful to say, but I'd rather not be able to recount it. All I remember was waking up on the ground naked, covered in bruises and I felt so disgusting." I completely broke down and was shaking uncontrollably as Alex held me. I could heart his rate increase tenfold. " You weren't lucky, that never should have happened. I'm so sorry it did though Krys. I wish it could've been there to do something" he spoke into my hair still holding close, as though I might disappear if he let go. And honestly? I almost felt like I might. I finally feel a version of free.

"I've never told anyone that," I said quietly looking up to meet his gaze. "I've always felt so disgusted by it, sometimes I even feel like maybe it's my fault. Like maybe if I hadn't have broken up with him, it never would've happened an-" "I don't ever want to hear you say that it was even remotely your fault. It wasn't. It should never have a happens to you. It was HIS fault. What happened that night will never, ever be your fault. I'm assuming from the fact that I'm the first person you've told you didn't report it?" Alex asked, to which I shook my head. An unreadable expression crossed his face, but as quickly as it appeared it was gone again.

"Alright well here's what we're going to do. I'm going to go make you breakfast and you're going to have a shower and once your done we can eat and get ready to go. Sound good?" He asked looking down at me, I knew he wanted to talk about it with me more, but I'm glad he changed the topic. "Thank you, Alex. Not just for this, but everything," I said looking up to meet his eyes. "You really are an amazing guy," I said kissing his cheek, "Only for you bubs" he whispered kissing my head, before getting up and heading into the kitchen.

I got out of the shower and pulled on a white, long-sleeved bodysuit, black jeans, and a light brown trench coat. I curled my hair and put on a black scarf and Vans. I felt so good today, after telling Alex about what happened in my past, I finally felt free. It makes me wish I'd told someone when it first happened, but I'm glad I could tell him. He just made everything so easy, I hope things are always like this.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, instantly I was hit with the smell of bacon and eggs. Alex had found an apron and was attempting to juice oranges. He was so focused he didn't notice me come up behind him until I was standing directly behind his with my hands on his trying to show him how to juice the oranges properly.

"Okay, so fun fact this isn't as easy as the movies make it look," Alex said sheepishly as he let me manipulate his hands in the correct motion. "There you go, how much easier is that?" I said giggling "Much, you're a girl of many talents I see," he said kissing me on the forehead before serving up. "This smells amazing Alex" I complimented giving him a nudged as I pulled out some plates and glasses for him to use, which he graciously accepted. A blush rose on his cheeks at the compliment "Here's hoping it tastes alright" he laughed nervously, "It'll be perfectly fine" I said with a smile that seemed to convince him.

Once Alex had put the food on the plates, I took them over to the table while he poured the glasses of orange juice and brought those over as well. Alex's hair was all over the place ace his grey shirt was still damp from my tears. As I took in more of his unintentional amount of adorable he looked up catching my gaze, "If I'd had have known you were gonna check me out I could have called a stylist first, bubs" he chuckled continuing to eat his breakfast. "Well I can't help it, you're pretty cute you know?" I said feeling bold. Alex's cheeks lit up as he poked his tongue out at me. I could get used to this, waking up with Alex, having breakfast with him before we headed off to work.

We finished up breakfast and Alex went out to the car and retrieved an overnight bag with some clothes for today. I started washing up while he got changed and brushed his teeth. He came back into the kitchen and asked if he could help in any way "Maybe one way" I said turning to face him before wrapping my arms around his neck. He seemed reluctant to touch me. Why did I- no he's worried about me.

"Alex I will always be okay with you, you're not him and I know that."

"I would never do anything to hurt you," he said before resting his forehead on mine "I know" were the last words to leave my lips before I leaned up and softly kissed him. I think he was still worried because his arms remained at his sides. I took one of his hands and put it on my hip. Taking that as an 'it's okay', he carefully put his arms around me. We split apart slowly taking in the others smile. "We gotta go or we're gonna be late," Alex said wrapping me in a hug before letting me collect my things and we headed out the door.

I hope everything that went on this morning doesn't have an impact on our relationship, I don't want him to start treating me like I'm some porcelain doll and I'll shatter if he makes a wrong move.

Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you're all safe and healthy! As mentioned before my DMs are and will always be open if you need someone. Also we hit 1000 reads and I'm so gobsmacked like that's insane guys! Thank you so much for the support and I definitely owe you one.

- Coco xx

1.16k reads 12/06/20

16k reads 12/06/20

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