Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Arrival at the Bangtan's house

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Chapter 1: Arrival at the Bangtan's house

             Silence is the first thing you hear. It is weird because you are so used to hear the busy streets of Seoul. You live in the city and hearing horns and rustling people on their way to work was something you are used to.

Confusion takes over your face as your eyes, expecting that it was one of those days where Seoul was just quite, you were hoping that you would wake up in your own room as you start your day. But confusion takes over you when you see you were not in your bed.

You were placed in a room, a very elegant Victorian room, your single bed was replaced by a queen-size bed, the piano that was placed in the corner of your room was replaced by a big fireplace and a full furnish small living room, sofa's and the table had replaced your bean bag and the small balcony that you use to garden was replace by a larger balcony with flowers decorating it.

This is not your home and you are not supposed to be here, fearing something was happening or a certain action could lead you in the place you open the cover and was not greet with your black shirt with granny panties. Instead, a long peach white dress was covering your body. Whoever had changed you have a really old style.

You were debating on dashing your way out when the door had opened, and your eyes were wide open when you see 4 boys pilling in your room, scrambling on your feet you grab something close to you, a lamp.

'Whoa... there!' one of them had notice you and all of them were trying to help you calm down.

'I don't know who you are, but you better explain why I am here.' You try mustering a threatening voice. But whatever you did, didn't seem to faze them a bit, as if they are accustomed to people threatening them, until one of them suddenly act concern and try to approach you.

'Please let me help you, I'm your husband... did you not remember me?'

'Husband? I think the fish not, I'm not married...' who is this man claiming to be my husband, he was looking very concerned and was debating with the other three who had a knowing look.

'Look, you had a bad accident alright? This is my ring –' he gestures his hands which indeed had a ring in it –' and you even have yours look...' and there it was a ring in my finger.

No, I'm not married, I'm a 22-year-old, and I live in Seoul alone and I don't remember getting married to anyone. That jjajangmyeon I had last night must have messed my brain a lot.

'Lie all you want, I'm not married... now tell me before I call the police and all, for all I know the ring was slip in my fingers while I was sleeping.' They were trying to calm you down as one of them speak again, 'your husband'.

'The ring... take it off, we had it made together with our initials and all made and our vows and your name.' not believing it at all you took the ring off and there it was.

'Life is infinitely stranger than anything –'

-'which the mind of a man can invent.' He finishes the sentence that was engraved in the ring, your favorite Sherlock Holmes quote, but how did he.

'I told you...'

'How about we introduce ourselves first, it must be confusing for her right now, one of them has asked you all to sit down.

'Hello my name is Seokjin, Kim Seokjin, and if you are worry who had to change you it was one of the maids, your husband didn't want you to worry.' The tallest of them was talking, he had an aura of someone very important in this household, a status that is high, but not the highest.

'My name is Jung Hoseok, but Hoseok is alright, and beside me is Min Yoongi, but Yoongi will be alright.' Another had explained himself and his friend there who had stayed quiet despite the tension over the tallest man.

'I can introduce myself seok, but it's nice to meet you, but I need to get going... Namjoon needs me for something.' The little man exited the room with a bow and left.

'Right... I'm so sorry for him, he's not like this but we have others here.'

'Wait how many are there of you?'

'Well 7 of us right now and including you 8 of us.'

'Seokjin, I think it's better if we let her husband help through all of this, we should leave first.' Hoseok usher Seokjin to get going, who was agreeing. With the last remaining two-out, here you are with your 'husband'.

'Right... I know this sound very weird to you, but you have to trust me, I am your husband and I hope the ring in your hand can prove it, in case you forget my name is Kim Taehyung, but you call me Taehyung.'

'This is a lot to take in...' and well I don't trust you.

He nods and he took your hands with him and kisses it reassuringly, holding it tightly but reassuring.

'I know... that's why I'm leaving you here for you to clear your mind you've gone through a lot and I don't want to stress you at all, if you need anything there is a call button in the room you can use to call me, it's loud enough for all of us to hear you need help.'

Nodding your head Taehyung kissed your temple and start leaving.

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