Chapter 11

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Chapter: Friends

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Chapter: Friends...

        Maybe it was also not a good idea to follow Yoongi, but you've got nothing to lose. If you are going to find the secret of this house might as well dwell yourself in danger. You just didn't know what danger you are dwelling in.

'So... there are many rooms in this place huh?'

Hoping to strike a conversation with the person in front of you, but all you got was a hum of agreement, you hope.

'So you're bringing me into one of the rooms.'

Another hum.

You look him a bit annoyed at his answers; you didn't know that you were talking to walk the entire time apparently with the lack of answer you've given. But it didn't really bring you down since you need information and you had hope that this mysterious man in front of you would spill.

Spill the damn black coffee sis...

You remember your encounter before you are drag by Yoongi away from your room that a particular someone is not very fond of the man in front of you, time to create fire, you thought.

'So I heard that someone is not very fond of you Yoongi,' Yoongi's cat-eye looks at you for a moment and then shrugs in disinterest.

'I'm not surprise anymore.'

'You're not going to ask who?'

'Should I be asking?' he stop his feet to look at me as he smiles slyly –' if I were to ask you, who is bad mouthing me, will you answer me or are you going to tug wars with your words?'

You were amuse and wary by his answer, amuse because he is so much smarter than what he offer, wary because he might know something you don't.

'If you were going to tell a story then I suggest you end it, don't write a story if you're not going to end it.'

'I was going to tell you –' you fix your posture to a menacing glare –' but I need information myself and again I don't trust you, if I'm going to give out information I'll need something in return and you are not the kind of man who would gladly play 21 question with me, you somehow need answers too.'

He scoffs and starts strutting his way again as your legs abruptly follow.

'You're smart for someone like you –'he cackles a laugh –'too smart, and you are sure a curious cat, haven't you heard the term curiosity kills the cat? I wouldn't waste such a pretty face like yours.'

You felt insulted by his remarks, he was more confusing than Namjoon or even Seokjin, at least they are on point and a line that marks their territory of position. Right now all you could conclude is Namjoon in way in the back of the black line, the dangerous line along with Taehyung while Seokjin, Jimin and Jungkook have landed themselves in the yellow line where at least they wouldn't hurt you but you need to be careful, you've yet met Hoseok but by the first impression of the guy he didn't look as bad as it is.

But Yoongi, he is a special guy that had his ass land in the grey line, a line where you hope that no one will be in it because you know, the person will spoke twisted words it was either you believe them as real or a fabricate one, since humans especially adults tends to fabricate words.

'Oh... I know I'm playing with fire, but I know something is going on in this house and I'm going to find out why.'

His eyebrows quirk and hums,' you must be delusional if you think something is very wrong here. Stress has gotten you in a rabbit hole and I advise you don't go deeper, the deeper you fall the harder you'll find your way out.'

'That's a wise words for someone who is trying to dig deeper than his height, careful there tiger you might drown with your words,' you knew better that Yoongi was someone who is observant, the way his eye-cat scan your whole room, the whole place and all of the place that you've might missed, you had hope he was secretly the good guy in the story, you need him in a way.

As much you don't want to admit it but you were more comfortable knowing that someone like Yoongi is as observant as you and thinks something wrong is wrong here, you don't really need him to speak words to tell you that he was wary himself, he acts as if someone is always lurking in the dark.

'Funny... you might want to re-check your height too midget... if you weren't so dense you wouldn't drown yourself like this, if I'm about to drown... you are way down and deeper than I am, just don't fuck up.' He eyes side glance you before fumbling in his pants to find sets of keys.

'That's a lot of keys your hoarding... it makes you seem like the man of the house himself, don't you have maids and servant for opening doors, especially people like you...' after hearing the door click open he opens them and user you to get in.

'I will gladly sew your lips together if it you weren't Taehyung's girl. I will take whatever you say a compliment and to answer your pathetic question, we don't have any and keys like this are only one of them, Jimin has a bunch of these in his office, if you are looking for the man of the house go talk to him.'

'Well maybe I will...'

'Well good luck with that, if you can find Jimin that is, the man is always in the shadows much like Namjoon. I mean he is Namjoon's right hand man,' he scoffs while walking inside the room.

'I thought it was Seokjin?'

'Beats me, I don't know what's up with Seokjin's ass all the time, but I can assure you he's no good guy, I'm not trusting him a bit.' Hearing his words you couldn't help to over think about Seokjin's clear motive.

'But you don't trust anybody.' He hums

'But at least their motive is true, Seokjin? I don't know which side he is.' Exclaim yoongi

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