In The Beginning

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I was staring down blankly at the book in front of me when I felt a hand tap my shoulder. I looked up and saw Peter looking at me concerned.

"I think you should go",he said and I shook my head nervously.

"No she would probably hate me by now, I can't face her". I said calculating my chance of her forgiving me.

"How do you know?",he asked and without waiting for a reply he added,"like it is clear that she likes you and she might just overlook it and forgive you, besides you were under the influence of alcohol",he concluded.

"That is the point Peter,she may not see it the way you do,I think you don't understand what is going on here,you don't understand the gravity of what I have done, I have really struck a nerve",I explained.

"I understand how you feel man,but sitting here won't help you either",he pointed out.

I sighed and said,"Okay fine I will try but-".

"No but",he gave me a look of encouragement and I smiled faintly at him before turning around and facing what lies ahead of me............

"Just admit it gal",she said

"Admit what",I asked feigning innocence which earned a look from my lab partner and my best friend,Phoebe.

"Stop that ignorant act and admit you like Jace and really want him to be your partner not me",she said and winked. My mind flashes back to last night and I immediately reminded her.

"Don't forget he said he hates me",I reminded her

"He was drunk then,Mercy he clearly was talking out of the influence of alcohol",she said and flashes me a look then she added,"and I am sure he will come to apologize",she said and patted my back and I just shrugged her hands off.

"No he won't.....",I trailed off and looked at the chemical I was mixing.

"What if I told you he is headed towards here?,"she said and I looked up at her,my face turning red and hopes rising up but I tried to hide it. I wanted to say something but I was cut off by that one voice, the one who has broken my heart the night before and I looked up to face him.


One part of me is angry and the other part is hoping he has come to apologize but the angry part of me took over....

"Hi",he greeted looking down at his feet.

"Hi Jace",Phoebe greeted back. I just glared hard at him and she seems to notice it and pinched me slightly I got the code and said something I really wished I could reverse

"What do want here",I snapped and Jace looked hurt, I felt bad for a moment but I recalled last night and what he said to me,I can never forget that,never. Phoebe whispered to me something that sounded like'what the heck Mercy'

"I will just go",Jace said looking hurt and instantly a wave of regret brushes over me,I felt really really bad.

"No don't leave she just meant what were you doing here,you know you should be with your partner now, right Mercy?",Phoebe said and I simply nodded.

"Are you okay?",he asked softly.

I looked at him emotionlessly and said,"Yes I am".

"Maybe I should just go I will come later",he was about going when I held him back my hands touching his soft,gentle hands. He turned back and I just stared at his ocean blue eyes having a hint of sadness in them and at the same time hopes washed over his face and he looks into my eyes before focusing his gaze down.

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