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A/N- I had the rest of the chapters planned out before POF-SVSR came out, so I will continue as I planned it. I am a huuge Janus stan now so I feel really bad for having the snek boi as a villain (again), buuuut the next fic I publish, he WILL NOT be an antagonist.

The only light in the graveyard was that of the slowly setting moon.

How had so much changed in a short period of time?

Just an hour earlier, Logan and Virgil were both alive.

An hour earlier, it was on course to be one of the best days of Roman's life.

An hour earlier, Roman had wanted to kiss Virgil, tell him how beautiful he looked in the light of the moon, watching as the flowers bloomed.

The taste of Virgil's blood still lingered in Roman's mouth, the coppery tang of it sticking to his tongue. Roman stood by the grave they had dug for Virgil, his body being lowered into the earth. He took one last look at Virgil, his skin pale, eyes wide and dilated, his mouth open as if in surprise, before he knelt into the grass and helped the rest of his coven cover the body with soil, the dirt covering Virgil's pale face, paler than any of the vampires. "Wait," Roman stopped the rest of the coven from continuing to cover Virgil. "Close his eyes."

Roman reached into the grave- could it even be called that?- to close Virgil's eyes to make it look as if he was sleeping. Roman also knew that closing his eyes would make the next step a slightly less horrible experience for him- not that the next step wasn't unpleasant.

"Okay," Roman said as he climbed out. "Cover him."

The vampires continued to take handfuls of dirt and started to throw it back into the grave. When Virgil was finally covered, the mound of loose dirt covering his corpse, Roman stepped back. The only thing left to do was wait and hope.

It seemed like hours, an eternity, before anyone spoke.

"He's moving," Joan said.

Sure enough, Roman saw the loose soil shaking. The air suddenly became cold, the grass around where Virgil had been buried becoming covered in frost. The cold have Roman hope that Virgil would succeed.

Come on, Virgil. Come on. Please.


Everything was dark. He couldn't breathe. When he opened his mouth, he choked on the mud.

He had to get out, had to eat! He clawed at the dirt, digging towards the surface. He was hungry, so hungry... the dirt clung to his hands, getting under his nails, in his eyes, blocking his throat.

He had begun to give up, fearing that he would never reach the surface. The only thing that forced him to continue was the hunger he felt. He needed to eat, and wouldn't- couldn't- stop until it was fulfilled.

He soon found he didn't have to breathe, he could just- exist. It was as if he was holding his breath underwater, but never needing to come up for air.

He kept digging upwards, to the surface. his hand suddenly reached the grass, and he pulled himself upwards. It had felt a thousand years since he felt the wind, the cool air on his face.

Virgil gasped as he finally lay on the grass, dirt still clinging to his skin. He saw Roman running towards him with a wineskin in his hand.

"Virgil, oh gods-" Roman knelt, helping Virgil stand.

"Don't touch me," Virgil hissed. "You- you hurt me-"

"Virgil, you need to drink," Roman handed Virgil the wineskin, careful not to spill any of the liquid inside.

Virgil's hands shook as he raised it to his lips, the thick, salty red liquid dripping down his chin, staining his lips. He needed more, needed to keep drinking. The hunger had finally lessened, but he needed more. Virgil kept drinking until it was empty. Roman tried to take the wineskin from him, but Virgil gripped it closer to his chest, hissing at Roman again. Virgil became aware of the coven circled around them watching as Virgil attempted to get more of the liquid out of the wineskin.

"Virgil, Virgil! Listen to me. You need to control it," Roman cried to him.

"I need more" Virgil rasped.

"Virgil," Roman started to put his hand on Virgil's cheek, but Virgil jerked away from him, hissing again. He started to stand, his vision fading in and out of black, the blurry shapes giving him a headache. He tried to walk somewhere, anywhere that was away from Roman. He stumbled, and someone's hands caught him.

"Hey, kiddo. I need you to listen to me, okay? Look at me," Virgil looked at the speaker, recognition in his eyes.


"Yeah, it's me. Breathe in, and breathe out. You're safe."

Virgil forced himself to take a breath, in and out. He started to calm, and looked at Patton in disbelief.

"Kiddo, can you talk?" Patton asked.

"Y-yes-" Virgil paused. Something wasn't right in his mouth, he realized as he spoke with a lisp. He brought a hand still covered in dirt up to his mouth and recoiled as he found his canines had lengthened to a sharp point- fangs.

"A-am I one of you now? What happened?"

Patton hesitated. "Yes," he said in a whisper. "It was the only way to save you. What do you remember?"

Virgil could only recall short instances- he knew there was blood, he knew there was a knife, a man with scales on his face, he knew Roman had done something to him, and he knew-

"What happened to Logan?"

Patton looked away, not quite hiding the tears that rolled down his face.

"He- he didn't make it.."

Virgil didn't know what he should say. Was Logan's death his fault? He knew he was in the room where it happened, he could have helped Logan!

"I-I'm sorry, I should have helped-"

"No, no. Kiddo... it wasn't your fault. There wasn't anything that could have been done," Patton didn't try to hide the tears streaming down his face anymore.

"Patton, Virgil, you need to come inside," Emile walked up to them, taking both gently by the arm and leading them inside the gates.

Virgil looked at the sky, which had lightened to a pastel pink. It was too bright, too much light- he squinted and looked away, overcome with fatigue. Virgil saw Roman staring at him with an expression Virgil couldn't quite place.

Patton walked into his room, pausing in the doorway.

"Come on, Virgil. You're going to need to sleep," Emile told him, leading Virgil to his room.

Virgil didn't remember anything after he laid down and closed his eyes, finally drifting off to sleep as the sun rose. 

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