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The next morning I'm again out and about with the couple and finally after lunch I'm dropped off only to be told that we were going to meet after 2 hours. I go up to my room and lay on the bed, soon I find my eyes shutting as I go off to sleep. I wake up to my phone ringing, I pick it up without checking the caller ID.

"Hello? I'll be down in 10 till then wait for me in the studio okay?" I tell the person on the other end sleepily and hang up.

I change and make my way to the studio, I see BTS and both Varun and Ritika talking to each other. I rub my eyes and a yawn escapes my mouth as I'm still so sleepy. Jimin spots me and waves at me making all of them turn towards me, I give them all a small smile and I drag Ritika & Varun and shout a quick hi & bye towards them as they're also dragged by their trainers.

I quickly go over the choreo I've prepared for the both of them so that they know what exactly they would learn and if they want to change anything even though the songs were of their own choice.

I teach them their separate steps first which thank fully they grasp even though my brother had some problems but we have time. When we take a break and we're discussing more about how some more relatives are going start coming next week, Jungkook enters and he pulls me up while saying that he's going to borrow me for 5 minutes. He doesn't even wait for any of us to speak as he just literally throws me over his shoulder with me struggling but at least I have a nice view of that backside.

"I can feel your eyes on me princess. Are you checking me out?" he asks me no doubt he has that stupid smirk on him.

"No but I don't exactly have anywhere else to look since my view is blocked. Also why am I again upside down? Where are you taking me?" but he sets me down on a bench and I realize we're in the gym only except its empty now.

Again he doesn't even give me a chance to speak up as he crashes his lips on mine and I just melt like butter now because oh god his kisses have me weak. As much as I don't want to give in he's making it harder and harder for me to resist him. He pulls away but rests his forehead on mine, both of us breathing heavy.

"I missed doing that princess and I missed you. Don't leave me for too long okay? Why didn't you come to see me when you came back? Ritika told me they dropped you off three hours ago."

"Um, I was pretty tired they woke me up so early and they took me to so many places that as soon as I came back I crashed on the bed and slept. I was going to come and see you after I had a little nap but I guess I slept for too long that I woke when someone called me." I pouted and he chuckles but pecks my pouty lips.

"Have dinner with me tonight yeah? I'll see you later princess." He pecks my lips and goes his way and I go mine.

When I come back I find the pair making out and I shriek making them roll their eyes at me. After focusing more on the solos for another hour the couple bids me goodbye and Ritika tells me that I have to do at least a solo and a group with the rest of our cousins. She even teased that I should do one with JK and I brush her off telling her to focus on hers.

But damn now I gotta perform too? I sigh and pick songs to dance on but I already gave so many good ones for the rest of them what will I dance on? As usual I get lost and my alarm gets me out of my trance making my eyes go wide as I see I have very less time to get ready for dinner. I quickly rush to shower and stuff, I pick out and LBD since I was feeling like wearing a dress which reminds me I should tell mom to pack some more clothes of mine since I didn't come with much.

Jungkook doesn't even bother knocking as he just strolls in through our connecting door, thankfully I was dressed and he had not walked in on me naked. I tell him to wait for just five minutes as I wanted to get my hair in place and do a little makeup even though he tells me I look perfectly fine without it. He comes and hugs me from behind resting his chin on my shoulder, I feel him prepping kisses from my shoulder through my neck until he reaches just under my ear and starts to suck there. My head moves involuntarily giving him more access to my neck as I let out heavy breaths, I gasp and moan when he bites a little and then soothes it no doubt leaving a hickey.

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