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So far the arrangements for the wedding have been going pretty well and everyone is killing it with the dance performances. Sadly it's also time for Bangtan to leave for SK, Jungkook pretty much has been clinging on to me whenever he gets the chance but we both have been so busy that we don't get much time. Maybe it's for the best since it won't hurt much when they leave at the end of this week. He also finally asked me out as his girlfriend and that really was the happiest day of my life.

I was going to head back to the room to meet Jungkook when I'm met by his manager near the elevator, he requests me to follow him as he wants to talk to me. We both take a seat in the café and I order both of us some coffee after asking what he would like. After drinking in silence for a while he finally breaks it,

"Ms. Sara I know you must be curious as to why I wanted to talk to you, I only want to talk about yours and Jungkook's relationship." I take a big gulp but I gesture for him continue.

"As you know that he is a worldwide icon now which means he's more busy and more in the eyes of the public. However I discussed with the other members and they have no problems with you both and surprisingly neither does the company. I only want to tell you that you can date him as long as it's not made public until we think it's right time to reveal it. I'll have to get you to sign some papers but other than that cheer up kid please I know you're a good one and you can take care of our youngest." I seriously want to cry happy tears right now and I give him a big grin thanking him.

I go over the papers he slides towards me and I understand what they mean but what surprises me is that they would be open to me applying for a job if I wanted to after I graduate. I sign them and thank the manager once again to which he only pats my head.

I literally rush up and barge into his room through mine, startling him. I don't give him a chance to say anything as I hug him so tightly and then give him a big kiss. I know he can feel the tears sliding down my face as he pulls back and looks at me with concern. I shake my head when he asks me if anything's wrong, I'm just so overwhelmed with emotion that I let out the three words I've been holding myself back to say.

"I love you Jungkook. I really love you." I look at him and he stared me back lovingly making me more overwhelmed when he says them back.

"I love you too Sara." And with that I crash my lips onto his again.

After a very long make out session he asks me why was I crying and I tell him everything from how I was scared about us to my chat with their manager. He also breaks out into a happy grin and literally takes my hand leading me out. He stops outside I think Namjoon's door and he literally knocks the air out of him when he hugs him.

"I guess Manager-nim has talked to Sara and that is why you're literally hopping around the bunny you are." making me and Yoongi laugh who I notice is also present in the room.

I thank him and Yoongi and they tell me that if their maknae is happy everything is right by them plus they all have grown so close to me that they didn't want to break contact with me which came from Yoongi that I went and hugged him making him freeze at first but he hugs me back. Joon and Kook laugh at him being all awkward and cute and I just pinch his cheeks only to see him blush. He then kicks the both of us out saying that he was here to work with Namjoon.

Jungkook literally skips door to door to thank his other hyungs and I do too until I have to get back to the wedding party which makes him a little sad but he lets me go.

With only two weeks lest the pressure is high as final touches are being made. We have the one last fitting for all of us then the dancing and what not, all of this is making me rethink all that I basically managed this whole wedding and maybe I should look into it as a profession even though I still believe I could be managing a person better.

When I get back he's waiting for me and doesn't waste a minute to pick me up in his arms. He settles me on his lap and starts feeding me but then he asks me something I was also asked earlier in the day.

"I want to introduce myself to your parents and I have something to ask them. Can we all have dinner tomorrow?" I turn to him and tell him that my parents also wanted to meet him for dinner tomorrow. I'm nervous as they've never really met any of my boyfriends before properly.

We both got into bed and I like being wrapped around in his arms, their so strong that they make me feel really safe. I know we got approved but how will we do this long distance? What if he loses interest in me? what if he finds someone else? Someone better than me? ugh Sara stop thinking about all of this today has been such a great don't ruin it with these thoughts and with that I'm sleep.

The next day I woke up alone, I got up and looked around if he was in here and then my eyes caught a note that was stuck on the door. It said, ' I'll see you at dinner, today's schedule's the busiest since its's the last one before we go back day after. Love you, JK.' I smile and get ready for my long-long day.

I met my parents for breakfast and told them that we all could have dinner together and most of the family started teasing me about how I would get married next. Sure. We just started dating and they're already talking about marriage? But this is Indian culture for you where if the girls dating they would definitely get married to the same guy otherwise they would have to marry the person chosen by their parents.

Varun got lucky since me, him and Ritika were childhood friends. I mean it was more like they were friends and I was the occasional third wheel between them whenever I came here. Although I would never admit this to him but since we both didn't have actual siblings we had each other even of it was in periods, he's been the best brother I could've ever asked for and I'm truly happy that he's getting to marry the one he's been in love with since they were babies.

The day went by in a blur and soon enough it was time for the dinner, I got ready and went down to join my parents. Jungkook had told me he would join us there directly and thank fully he was there in time, looking so good that I wanted to just skip dinner and take him back to the room. I blush at my own thoughts as he approaches us and bows to greet my parents.

The dinner went by pretty smooth you can say but oh my god my parents didn't even miss a chance to embarrass me by telling him all my secrets from childhood to now. He even saw my pictures! But when mom told him that I liked him the most out of all the members he didn't look much surprised as I thought he would be. My dad gave him the cliché don't hurt my daughter threat and he really did respond sincerely that he would take care of me whenever and however I need him. I had butterflies throughout the dinner listening to him and seeing him talk to my parents.

When we went back to our room, yes it's our room now since he doesn't sleep in his anymore. Things got a little heated when he started take off his suit and I asked him to unzip my dress since the zipper got stuck, he slowly dragged it down his hand caressing my back as he left kisses along my neck. He turned me around and crashed his lips on mine and wrap my arms around his neck letting my dress fall off, his hands went around my butt and he told me to jump, I did and wrapped my legs around his waist. He took his shirt off and began his attack again on my neck, sucking and biting he made his way down and this time I didn't stop him as he unclipped my bra. I pulled on his hair making him groan and I moaned when he took one of nipples in his mouth his hand playing with the other.

He makes his way further down as he kisses along my inner thigh and just as he got nearer to the spot I now wanted him at the most, he looked up at me but I just nod at him.

"Are you sure princess? You know you can ask me stop anytime right?" he asks me concerned. I give him a small smile and tell him that I don't want him to hold back today.

"I want you Jungkook.... I want you to make me yours. I love you." I told him in a soft voice.

We made love all night and it was magical, I'm in a state of bliss that I never want to get out of. But like all good things it will also have to end, even it was temporary. 

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