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It's been 5 years and a lot has changed in our lives.

After my trip ended I didn't want to leave neither he wanted to let me go so I gave and accepted Mr. Bang's offer to work with them full time and live my life here with him.

I did go back for a month and spent time with my parents, they gave me their blessing to go and work overseas even though they were a little sad to see me leave so soon but they always encouraged me to go after what I wants and what's truly best for me.

Since the day I stepped foot back in SK, life's been pretty busy I'm not going to lie but I had him there with me always.

Today's our 6 year anniversary and we're going out for a dinner tonight, I have to say I'm pretty excited to see what he has planned for tonight because he said he has a surprise for me after the dinner.

Currently I'm dressed in a black dress that's kind of short from the front and long from the back and it has these cuts that makes it look a little sexy, I was doing my hair when I see him come out of the shower.

I swear my jaw dropped and I almost lost my hand on the flat iron I was holding.

Even after all these years he still has that effect on me as he did the first time I saw him. I can't take my eyes off him ever, I don't know how I got so lucky.

"Hey quite drooling princess and get ready fast, you'll have plenty of time later to stare at this hot body." And he winked at me making me turn red.

I turn and quickly finish my hair and my makeup only to see that he's ready as well. He takes my hand and leads me to outside, confused I turn to him as he didn't go towards the car instead moved past it. Next thing I know is a limo pulling up and we both get in.

Inside he pops open a champagne and hands each of us a glass, we toast to the years we've been together and the whole way to the restaurant I was showered with so much love that the blush I was wearing probably spread to my whole face.

The dinner we both had was an absolute delight and also I have to thank Jin for suggesting this place. If I've ever learned anything all these years is that if you have food from a place he recommends you'll never be disappointed.

Over these years, the boys and I also developed our bond on a whole other level. They felt like my overprotective big brothers and supported me whenever I needed them. They also got their own special ones now, well except Namjoon and Jimin. One of them went through a pretty bad breakup last year and I was so heartbroken by it as well since that girl and I came to become such good friends but I never knew she would stab us all in the back.

Well I'm always for the good times we all have had and experience everyday it helped to overcome all the bad that had happened. As the years went by, BTS only continue to grow and I am so proud of all of them.

"So you mentioned something about an after dinner surprise, can I at least get some kind of a hint about it?" I ask him turning on the puppy dog eyes which always work on him.

"It's a surprise princess you'll have to wait patiently for it. I'm not going to give into those eyes tonight." He smirked at me.

We were back in the limo when suddenly he blindfolded me. I asked him why did he do that and I was simply meant with a because I want to surprise you. After some long time the car finally came to a stop, I feel Kook getting out and then he takes my hand guiding me outside.

We walk a little with him basically holding me up because I can feel my heels sink into the ground, judging this either we're at a park or we're at .... A beach. I hear the sound of some waves confirming that we are in fact on a beach.

"Kook are we there yet? I'm not able to walk properly, I think I need to remove my heels." I tell him as I was getting uncomfortable.

Instead of replying he literally picks my up in his arms taking me by surprise.

We finally stop and he puts me down and first he removes my heels, I then feel him go behind me and take the blindfold off. It takes a while for my eyes to get adjusted to the dark but when it did my jaw dropped to the floor as I gasped.

In front of me the words 'MARRY ME?' were spelled out all with roses and candles surrounding it. I turn around to look at him only to find him on one knee.

"These past 6 years have been the best years of my life. I never thought I'll find someone who would love me only for me, not my fame, money or popularity just me. You gave me that unconditional love every day, never left my side even once when I got stressed and lashed out on you even though you never did anything wrong. 

The moment I saw you at that fan meeting and then again in that flight I knew it was a sign that something could happen between the two of us. That day on the beach where you agreed to be with me was one of the happiest days of my life.

You not only take care of me but you also look after the hyungs. All of us love you that they gave me their blessing literally that very year of us dating.

Each passing day I fall more and more in love with you so I just want to ask you that Sara, my princess will you marry me and be mine forever? Because I don't think I could ever live without you in my life."

By the end of his speech we were both shedding tear and he left me so speechless that at first I nodded my head uncontrollably finding the words...

"Yess... yess.. I will marry you. I love you so much." I tell him crashing my lips onto his. We pull away and he slips on the ring onto my finger. The ring was absolutely stunning and so perfect but most importantly I was so happy in this moment. I'm going to be his and he's going to be mine.

"I love you so much princess oh wait I meant Mrs. Jeon."

"I love you too Mr. Jeon."


A.N - A big thank you to all the people who read my first ever fanfic, My Desi Girl.

I wrote this in 2019 after six months of officially becoming an Army. I don't how but one day randomly I had an idea and I just started writing and I don't how I wrote it as I'm not too confident with writing in English. I posted this without making any edits because didn't want to change anything.

I'm glad I gave this a chance and posted it here, at first I thought not many people would read it or they might stumble upon it by chance but thank you really for reading it. 

I have more stuff in the works and some coming soon here. Please look forward to it and definitely do tell me if I need to improve somewhere as I'm still new to writing. 



P.s - The teaser for a new story just went live! Do check it out! There's Namjoon and rest of the Kim clan :)

s - The teaser for a new story just went live! Do check it out! There's Namjoon and rest of the Kim clan :)

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