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Buzz!! Buzz!!
"Emily! Your phone has been vibrating for maybe like 13 minutes now to be exact " screamed my mom to make it convincingly audible for me.

"OK! Mom. I heard that! Let me get off this last strand of hair from my leg first." I screamed back from the bathroom.

Krrr! Clank! (the bathroom door shuts)

" Hey Mom! Good morning! " I greeted as I rubbed my wet hair with the towel.

" Good mor... Emily just come back here. Take this wet towel off your bed and dry it, right now . Is it something your mother has to remind you everyday?" screamed my mother angrily as she glared at me.

" Wohh! OK mother, I will. Don't be angry it's really early in the morning still." I picked the towel and left the room.

You matched with Max

Max : Hi Emily
Emily : Hey
Max : Has anyone ever told you that you're one in Emilly-llion?
Emily: No, I skipped math classes often so not really good with numbers.
Max: OK! That's OK. Are you single?
Emily : Yes
Max :Can I get your number?
Emily : Yes, sure. 911

Unmatch from Max

"Emily! Come down for the breakfast" calls out my mother.

"Yes, I'll be right there" I replied.

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